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Pembunuhan Lim Sang Tay (1934)
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1934-09-01: Pembunuhan Lim Sang Tay
Pada 1 September 1934, seorang Cina Hock Chiew, Lim Sang Tay, yang tinggal di Kampung Gonggang, telah dibunuh dan ditanam di suatu kawasan semak berpaya berhampiran Rifle Range. Maklumat mengenai Kampung Gonggang yang diperolehi dari laporan-laporan akhbar berkaitan peristiwa ini:-
- Kampung Gonggang terletak bersebelahan dengan Rifle Range (Kem Kementah kini), dan lokasinya dinyatakan sebagai “an area off Rifle Range Road”. Sebahagian jalan ini adalah Jalan Padang Tembak kini: “Jalan Padang Tembak: Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra to Kementah: (part of) Rifle Range Road → Jalan Padang Tembak. This road was previously the northen section of Rifle Range Road. It was renamed to give a similar meaning in Malay - padang means “field”, tembak means “to shoot”. The Selangor Boy Scouts Association had a camp along this road named Castle Camp (later renamed Kem Kotaraya). Sources: Abdul Majid Ismail, Tan Sri Dato' Seri (2006), An Old Man Remembers: The memoirs of Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Haji 'Coco' Abdul Majid bin Ismail Dato Seri Maharaja di Raja Selangor, as told by the old man himself, Kuala Lumpur: The Written Word, m.s.57; The Straits Times, 27 November 1934, p.12, Lord Baden-Powell's Footprint” (Mariana Isa, Maganjeet Kaur, 2015: "Kuala Lumpur Street Names: A Guide to Their Meanings and Histories", m.s.183).
- Rumah mangsa pembunuhan ini terletak di belakang Rifle Range. Mayatnya ditemui berhampiran Rifle Range, dan jaraknya 300 ela (~274 meter) dari rumahnya.
Kiri: Peta kemungkinan lokasi Kampung Gonggang secara kasar (perkampungan berhampiran Rifle Range), 1923 (berdasarkan peta Survey Department, Singapore, 1923. Mercu tanda: Sungai Bunus dan Gonggang di sebelah barat. Sungai Peran (anak Sungai Bunus) di sebelah utara, merentasi Gonggang Estate di sebelah timur laut. Bulatan ungu berdekatan Sungai Peran, ditandakan sebagai “Chin. Cemy.” (Chinese Cemetery): Perkuburan Loke Yew. Sungai Klang di sebelah selatan: |"Selangor. Parts of K. Lumpur, Ulu Selangor, Klang & Ulu Langat Districts, Kuala Lumpur").
Kanan: Peta kemungkinan lokasi Kampung Gonggang secara kasar, kini (berdasarkan Google Maps).
1934-09-01: Pembunuhan Lim Sang Tay
“Another mystery, believed to be a murder, is engaging the attention at the Kuala Lumpur detective branch. On Monday last a Chinese woman living in the village of Gonggang, on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, reported to the police that her husband had been missing since Saturday night. Investigations by the police to trace the man's whereabouts were unsuccessful until yesterday, when acting on information gleaned, detectives visited a spot near the rifle range and recovered the body of a male Chinese, buried in a swamp, who was identified as the husband of the woman who made the report to police on Monday. Although the body was in a decomposed condition, it is understood that murder is suspected as the cause of death.” (Malaya Tribune, 8 September 1934, Page 7: |"DECOMPOSED BODY FOUND").
“As telegraphed yesterday, the Detective branch of the local police following information laid by a Chinese woman living at Gonggang, that her husband had been missing since Saturday, discovered the body of a Chinese, believed to be the missing man, in a swampy area near the Rifle Range here. The circumstances of the man's disappearance and the information which led the police to the spot where the body was found have led the police to suspect strongly that it is a case of murder, but so far the doctors, it is understood, have not been able to establish the cause of death. The body, when found, was in a fairly advanced state of decomposition. Its burial in a swampy place did not help towards its preservation. The post-mortem examination, carried out with great care failed to reveal any signs of violence and the doctors it is reported, were not prepared to arrive at a decision without further expert examination. They are understood to have sent the contents of the stomach to the Institute of Medical Research to discover whether there is any evidence of poisoning. The police are in the meantime following the matter up and hope to effect an arrest within a day or two.” (Malaya Tribune, 10 September 1934, Page 18: | "ANOTHER MYSTERY").
1934-10: Siasatan Kes
“An inquest into the death of a Hock Chiew Chinese, named Lim Sang Tay who disappeared from his house at Gonggang, on the night of Sept. 1 and whose body was found buried about 300 yards from his home, on Sept. 6, was opened to-day before the Second Magistrate, Mr. J.P. Biddulph. Mr. R.O. Davies, O.C.P.D., Kuala Lumpur North, conducted the proceedings. Mr. Pc.C. Au-Yeong held a watching brief on behalf of one of the deceased relatives. Before opening the enquiry, Mr. Davies gave a brief outline of the result of his enquiry. The deceased, who was a pig rearer, lived in an area behind the rifle range. On the night of Sept. 1, the deceased left the house and was seen gong towards Kuala Lumpur with three other friends. He was not seen after this. On Sept. 3, his wife made a report at the Circular Road Police Station. Late on Sept. 5, a friend of the deceased went to Campbell Road Police Station and made a report. The Police made a search in the vicinity of the deceased's house. About three hundred yards from the deceased's house, the Police found that the ground was disturbed. On digging up the earth they discovered the body of the deceased which was wrapped in a blanket.”
“NO TRACE OF POISON: A post mortem examination showed that there was nothing found in the body and a report from the Institute of Medical Research revealed that there was no trace of poisoning. There was evidence to show however that the deceased knew that he was to be murdered and that a certain person was alleged to have absconded since without having been traced so far. The evidence of Dr. Abdul Latiff of the General and Malay Hospital shows that on Sept. 7, he received the body of a Chinese, named Lim Sang Tay, aged about 45 years. The deceased's body was in an advance state of decomposition. Witness performed a post mortem examination and sent small pieces of heart, lungs, liver, kidney and spleen to the Institute of Medical Research for examination, and the report from the Institute showed that no sign of poison was found. Witness was unable to give the cause of death as the body was too decomposed. Deceased must have been dead from four to seven days before the post mortem examination. Mr. O.R. Davies O.C.P.D., Kuala Lumpur, in his evidence said that on the morning of Sept. 6, he received information that a Hock Chiew Chinese named Lim Sang Tay was missing from his home at Gonggang. Witness went to the scene with a detective and ordered a number of police to conduct a search in the vicinity of the house. At about 12.30 p.m., Corporal 3054 reported that he found a spot where the earth had recently been turned.”
“WRAPPED IN BLANKET: Witness gave instructions that this patch of ground should be unearthed. At a depth of about 3 feet 6 ins. a body was found wrapped up in a blanket. The body was highly decomposed. There was a changkol about ten feet from the house. Witness gave instructions that the body be taken out from the hole and sent to the hospital for a post mortem examination. The body was identified by Yap Mooi Siew Wai and Lim Thye to be that of Lim Sang Tay. In the course of this enquiries witness wished to interview Hakka Chinese who was in the employ of the deceased as a cooly. In spite of a search the police was unable to locate the man up to date. Yap Ah Mooi, the wife of the deceased said that her husband was a vegetable gardener and had Hakka coolies under his employ and that a Hakka named Lee Yew, used to assist him in his work.”
“NOT HER LOVER: The man was not her lover. There was no cause for her husband to suspect her or else he would have driven her out of the house. On the night of Sept. 1, witness said that her husband left the house. That was the last she saw of him. He left ay 8.40 p.m. and said that he was going out to see his friends. Continuing, witness said that her husband went out alone on a bicycle. He wore a suit and had no shoes on. He mentioned no names to witness, but said that he was going to Kuala Lumpur to see friends. When her husband did not return the following day, witness went to look for him in Kuala Lumpur. On Sept. 3, witness went to the Circular Road Police Station to make a report. Witness said that after the disappearance of her husband, the Hakka, Lee Yew was still in the house. It was on the night of Sept. 4 that witness found the man missing after her return from Kuala Lumpur. Witness had no ideas to his whereabouts. On Sept. 6, witness said that she was taken to hospital and identified the body as that of her husband. Witness identified the blanket which belonged to the deceased. Witness was unable to offer an explanation as to how the blanket was found wrapped up round the body of the deceased. Lim Soon Kong, aged 10 years, the son of the deceased, said that he could not say when his father died. Witness said that Lee Yew used to go to the house and have a chat with his father. Witness did not know whether Lee Yew and his mother were on friendly terms. Tiew Kwan, a Hock Chiew, who said that he knew the deceased, said that there had been trouble between the deceased and his wife over a man who is a Hakka.”
“ALLEGED WARNING: Witness last saw the deceased wither on the evening of Aug. 31or Sept. 1 in the coffee shop at Batu Road. After taking coffee witness and the deceased took their bicycles and started to walk along Batu Road. While approaching Hale Road, the deceased stopped and told witness that he was warned by a man who collects rice refuse for pigs to be more careful while going about in the night as he would be murdered by somebody. Witness asked the deceased to make a report to the police station but the deceased declined to do so. Witness and the deceased parted later and on the following day, witness went as usual to the coffee shop, but the deceased did not turn up. Later on Sept. 6, witness went to the hospital and identified the body of the deceased as that of his friend Lim Sang Tay. After the cross-examination of Mr Au Yong, the hearing was adjourned till Oct.20.”
(Sumber: Malaya Tribune, 19 October 1934, Page 17: |"MYSTERY OVER PIG HEARER'S DEATH").
““This man had every reason to believe he would be murdered and certain persons had very definite reasons to wish his death.” This statement was made at an inquest opened yesterday before Mr. J.P. Biddulph, the Coroner, on a 45-year-old Hockchiu Chinese named Lim Sang Tay, a fairly prosperous pig-breeder and vegetable gardener of Gonggang, an area off Rifle Range Road, whose decomposed body was found buried under a patch of elephant grass 300 yards from his house. It was wrapped in a blanket taken from his own campbed. Owing to the high state of decomposition, no marks of injury could be seen and no trace of poison was found in the internal organs. Gruesome exhibits were the blanket in which the body was found, and the pair of trousers and belt worm on the body. Opening the inquest, Mr. R.O.W.M. Davis, Assistant Commissioner of Police, related that about eight o'clock on the night of Sept. 1, Lim Sang Tay left his house on a bicycle and was seen riding towards Kuala Lumpur in company with three other Chinese who had not been identified yet. To the knowledge of the police he was never seen alive again.”
“REPORTED MISSING: On Sept. 3, his Hakka wife, Yap Ah Mui, reported him missing, but on the information supplied by her no suspicious were aroused. Two nights later, Lim Nong Nong, a relative of the missing man, made a report which aroused suspicions and which, the next day, led to a thorough search of the area surrounding the house. Constables ultimately discovered, about 300 yeards from the house, and in a patch of elephant grass, ground which had been recently disturbed. Excavations commenced at that spot, and after digging 3 1/2 feet, the police found a body wrapped in a blanket. The body was sent to hospital and was identified as that of the missing man. Two marks of identification were Chinese characters meaning “Peace.” tattooed on the left forearm.”
“CHANGKOL FOUND: About ten feet away from the grave, a changkol was found. The blanket was identified by the wife as one usually used by the deceased. The post mortem on the body revealed nothing, owing to the high state of decomposition. Internal organs were sent to the Institute of Medical Research for pathological examination and chemical analysis but there were no traces of poison. “Although the cause of death is not known,” concluded Mr. Davis, “we will call a number of witnesses who will say that prior to his disappearance Lim Sang Tay had every reason to believe that he was about to be murdered, that certain persons had very definite reasons indeed to wish for his death, and that one of these persons absconded on the night of Sept. 5 and has not been heard of since.” During his evidence, Dr. Abdul Latiff, who conducted the post mortem, said he had also sent to the Institute for examination, a finger-nail, toe-nail, some hair and a portion of the ribs of the deceased. He agreed that there were several poisons which could not be traced after decomposition had reached a certain tage. Giving evidence himself, Mr. Davis stated that Lim Sang Tay had employed a Hakka coolie named Lee Yew. “In the course of our inquiries we wished to interview this coolie but in spite of search which has been continued up to the present he has not been found,” he concluded.”
“POINT OF COLLAPSE: Mr. P.C. Au-Yong, who was holding a watching brief on behalf of the relative, Lim Nong Nong, questioned Mr. Davis, asking, “When the wife saw the body of her husband, did she show any signs of sorrow?” Mr. Davis: She seemed on the point of collapse. She did not cry, but she showed much emotion. Yap Ah Mui, the widow, said she had been married to Lim Sang Tay for 14 years, and had a son aged nine. She admitted having frequent quarrels with her husband. Lee Yew assisted her husband, but she denied that the quarrels were over him. The man had never been her lover, and she had never given her husband cause to suspect he was her lover. About 7.30 on the night of Sept. 1, her husband left the house to collect rice refuse intended as pigs' food. On his return he ate some rice, salt fish, and vegetables cooked by her, and at 8.30 left the house again saying he was going to Kuala Lumpur. That was the last time she saw him alive.”
“THE THIRD DAY: She searched for him the next day as it was not his usual practice to stay away from home at night, and on the third she made a report to the police. During her husband's disappearance, Lee Yew helped her with the pigs and in the garden, but he disappeared on the night of the fourth. Referred to the blanket, the witness admitted having missed it from her husband's camp-bed before his body was found but said she never mentioned the fact to anyone.”
“NOT IN MOURNING: In reply to Mr. Au-Yong, she admitted she was not in mourning for her husband. Coroner: Why not? - I have no money with which to buy the cloth. Coroner: I always thought the Chinese were particular about mourning. Interpreter: They are not very particular. Mr. Au-Yong (to witness): Did you attend your husband's funeral? - No. Coroner: Why? - Because I had a pain in my legs. Coroner: This is very peculiar; it is a very unusual thing. Did you know the time of the funeral? - Yes, I was informed and I sent my son. Coroner: Did you make the report of your own free will? - Yes. It was not suggested by any of your deceased's husband's relatives? - No. Lim Soon Kong, the son who was being educated at the Maxwell Road School, was referred, in the course of his evidence, to his statement to the police in which he said that about 11 o'clock on the night of Sept. 1, while in bed, he heard two cries of pain in the voice of his father, coming from outside the house. “I cannot remember having said that,” he replied to a direct question from Mr. Davis. Coroner: Little boy, do you believe in filial piety? If you know anything about your father's disappearance, tell the truth. It does not matter who is involved. - Thre was the same reply. Mr. Davis: We can leave the point, your Worship. The only reason I brought it up is because it fixes a time. Replying to Mr. Au-Yong, the boy admitted that when he heard the cries his mother was with him, but she never left the room. Mr. Au-Yong: Now think carefully, do you remember your mother telling you not to say anything of the disappearance of your father otherwise she would kill you? Mr. Davis (interrupting): I would like to know if there is any evidence of that. It has been held that a question of that sort cannot be asked unless there is evidence to substantiate it. If Mr. Au-Yong can produce the source of his information - the person to whom the boy gave the information - we can then have the answer to the question. If the threat was overheard, the person who overheard it should be produced.”
“AN INTIMATE FRIEND: Mr. Au Yong: If I put the question to the mother, I would anticipate a denial. Before I an produce the evidence, I think I had better speak to the person who is giving me my instructions. The Coroner agreed with Mr. Davis that evidence should be brought which would substantiate the question. Important evidence was given by Tiew Kuan, a Hockchiu pig-breeder and an intimate friend of the deceased. He said that it had been his and the deceased's habit for several months to meet about 7.30 every night in a coffee shop in Batu Road. He knnew that for four months prior to his death, the deceased had been having much trouble with his wife over a Hakka man, whose name he did not know. A month prior to their last meeting, Lim Sang Tay told him he had noticed the Hakka man courting his wife and he intended to forbid him to stay in his house much longer. He last met Lim Sang Tay on the evening of either Aug. 31 or Sept. 1. They drank their coffee and then left the shop, wheeling their bicycles a certain distance. As he (witness) was about to turn towards his home, Lim stopped him saying he had something to tell him “from the bottom of his heart.””
“WARNING RECEIVED: He said he had been warned by another pigs' food collector to be very careful when he went home at night, and also to be careful of whatever food he ate which had been cooked by his wife. Lim wept as he said those words. “In answer to me,” continued the witness, “he said he had received the warning about five or six days previously, and that from that time he had gone about at night armed with a knife. That particular night, however, he had no weapon with him. I asked him why he made no report to the police, and he replied, 'for the sake of my reputation.' “I then asked him if he knew who would probably kill him. He answered, 'That Hakka man, his brother and another man, Lui Kow.” He added that Lui Kow was uneducated and a fool, a man who could very easily be instigated to commit such a deed.” Mr. Davis: Did he give you any instructions on the event of his death? - He told me that if I did not see him again, I would know he was dead, and I should inform his relatives and make a report to the police. Concluding, the witness said he parted with Lim Sang Tay. The next night Lim failed to appear at the coffee shop, and he never saw him alive again. The inquest was adjourned until Saturday.”
(Sumber: The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 20 October 1934, Page 3: | ""CERTAIN PERSONS HAD VERY DEFINITE REASONS TO WISH HIS DEATH""; The Straits Budget, 25 October 1934, Page 28: |"MAN WHO BELIEVED HE WOULD BE MURDERED").
1934-11: Lanjutan Siasatan
“Further hearing of an enquiry into the death of a Hock Chiew Chinese, named Lim Sang Tay, who allegedly disappeared from his house on the night of Sept. 1, and whose decomposed body was found buried near a patch of elephant grass not far from where he lived, was postponed to Nov. 7, by the Second Magistrate, Mr. J.P. Biddulph. The deceased is said to have been living with his wife at the village of Gonggang, near the Kuala Lumpur rifle range, where they reared pigs, chickens and ducks. Mr. O. H. Davies, O.C.P.D., Kuala Lumpur North, who conducted the proceedings, informed the Coroner that Mr. Macdonald, Officer-in-Charge of Detectives, who was to give evidence, had gone to Penang and that he therefore had to ask for the postponement. At the last hearing, one of the witnesses, Wong Yew, who was told to be present in court, failed to turn up, and a warrant was issued against him. He was later produced before the First Magistrate, Mr. F.K. Wilson, and fined $5.” (Malaya Tribune, 1 November 1934, Page 12: |"INQUEST POSTPONED").
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