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Bukit Jalil Estate (1910)
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1910-10: Pembukaan
Pada Oktober 1910, Cromlix Rubber Estate and Produce Syndicate Limited telah mengambil alih sebidang tanah seluas 2,082 ekar bersebelahan Kinrara Estate, dan dinamakan sebagai Bukit Jalil Estate: “The report of the Cromlix Rubber Estate and Produce Syndicate, Limited, for the period to December 31, states that for reasons already fully set forth in the circulars of September 14, and October 10, 1910, it was only then that the directors were able to acquire a property which they had confidence in recommending to the shareholders. This property is now called Bukit Jalil, and consists of 2,082 acres. It adjoins the Ledbury Company's Kinrara estate at Pataling, and is thus situated in one of the best known districts. With as little delay as possible a manager was appointed, and he took over charge on October 17, 1910. The directors decided to open up 250 acres at once and felling was started on October 26. This work was finished by February 10.” (The Straits Budget, 27 April 1911, Page 6: |"RUBBER RESULTS. More Details of the Klanang Produce Output"; The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 May 1911, Page 4: |"COMPANY NEWS").
Peta Bukit Jalil (bulatan merah) dan kawasan sekitarnya. Bukit Jalil adalah bucu sempadan sebelah timur laut Hutan Simpan Ayer Itam (diwartakan 1905). Di sebelah utaranya ialah Bukit Jalil Estate (dibuka 1910) (Berdasarkan peta Edinburgh Geographical Institute, 1904 @ Yale University Library - Digital Collections: |"Selangor, Federated Malay States, 1904 / John Bartholomew & Co ; W.T. Wood, chief draftman").
1911-04-18: Laporan Tahunan ke-2 (1910): Penanaman Awal Kopi dan Getah
Dalam laporan tahunan ke-2 Cromlix Rubber Estate, terdapat beberapa catatan positif para penggiat perladangan ketika melawati ladang tersebut. Turut dinyatakan, ia mula diambil alih pada Oktober 1910, dan diuruskan oleh Mr. W.R. Macandrew. Antara ahli lembaga pengarahnya ialah John Gibson: “The second ordinary general meeting of the Cromlix Rubber Estate and Produce Syndicate, Limited, was held April 18 at the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Moorgate Palace, Moorgate Street, E.C. Mr. Edmund Walker (chairman) presiding. … As you are aware, Bukit Jalil is the name of the estate which this syndicate owns, and your directors believe that we have got a very valuable property. This is confirmed by all the reports to hand from those who have visited the estate, and I will just quote for your information the following extracts from letters received. Opinions of the Property: Mr. A. J. Denison, partner in the firm of Messrs. Cumberbatch & Co., when applying for some of the new issue shares, wronte on July 8th as follows:- “Bukit Jalil will make a first-class property. I have every faith in the future of the property, whether it is to be cultivated as an investment or sold outright.” Mr John Gibson wrote on July 13th as follows:- “I was up the day before yesterday, and went over Bukit Jalil. Things are going strong and well. The new clearing was fired the day before I went, and is about the best burn I have yet seen. This is going to be a 'tip-top' place. Mr. L.E. Edwards, who knows the estate well, wrote on August 26 as follows:- “I am delighted to hear that you have such good accounts of Bukit Jalil estate. The land is second to none, and the company is also particularly fortunate in having a first-class superintendent to open it.” Mr. Templer, who recently visited the estate, wrote on November 6th as follows:- “I took the opportunity of paying a visit to Bukit Jalil a week ago. I had never seen the place before, and was very pleased to find we have secured such a fine block of land. The planting of 530 acres is nearly complete, and though there were rather a large number of failures in the part first planted (owing to dry weather), the vacancies have all been recently supplied, so that very little time has been lost. I have great hopes that the Robusta coffee interplanted in the rubber will give us some good catch-crops. Bukit Jalil will in a short time develop into a very valuable property. These opinions from gentlemen who are planters of long experience require no further comment from me, and must be very reassuring to all our shareholders. I cannot condlue without referring to the splendid work done by our manager, Mr. Macandrew, under the able guidance of our co-director and visiting agent, Mr. John Gibson. As I mentioned at our annual meeting last year, Bukit Jalil estate was only taken over in October, 1910. It says not a little for the energy that has been put into the business that nearly 600 acres are to-day planted up with rubber and coffee. In addition to that the necessary roads, bridges, bungalow, coolie lines, etc., have been constructed, and we have it on the assurance of our visiting agent that the work has been well done. … Mr. D.K. Michie said: There is very little to be said beyond endorsing the opinions of the various gentlemen, as read by the chairman. I visited the place in January last in company with Mr. Gibson and Macandrew, the superintendent. I went through the whole of the clearings that were opened at that date - about 580 acres, I think - and I found the place in very good order and clean throughout for a new clearing, also giving every promise of good growth. The lay of the land is easy, with occasional steepish places, and the soil is good throughout. It is very suitable for the growth of the best rubber and Robusta coffee. Adjoining places have grown rubber to maturity as good as any in the State, and there can be no doubt that the estate will be equally successful.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 May 1912, Page 6: |"CROMLIX RUBBER ESTATE AND PRODUCE"; The Straits Budget, 16 May 1912, Page 6: |"CROMLIX RUBBER. Satisfactory Progress on the Estate").
1911-05-11: Permohonan Tanah Perkuburan
Pengurus Bukit Jalil Estate, Mr. W.R. Macandrew, membuat permohonan pembukaan tanah perkuburan bagi pekerja ladang tersebut di sempadan utaranya, bersebelahan Kinrara Estate: “11th May 1911. Subject: Burials Enactment Section 2 ( Enactment 4 of 1910 ). The Resident, Selangor, Kuala Lumpor. Sir, With reference to your letter dated the 7th instant No: 658/11, I have the honour to inform you that all coolies who die in this Estate will be buried on the northern boundary of this property in distance 50 chains from the boundary of Kinrara Estate and adjoining the M.L.782 No: 9. I further beg you to let me know whether you approve of this. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, W.R. Macandrew; Manager.” (Arkib Negara 1957/0157666W, 11/05/1911: |"BURIAL GROUND ON BUKIT JALIL ESTATE").
1912-04-19: Perihal Pekerja Kannada dari Mysuru
Menurut pengurus Bukit Jalil Estate, Mr. W.R. MacAndrew, yang berpengalaman di Sri Lanka, para pekerja Kannada dari Mysuru, Karnataka, India, adalah pakar dalam kerja-kerja pembinaan jalan raya dan perparitan. Kata beliau, mereka berbadan sihat dan tahan lasak, tahan wabak malaria, dan kadar upahnya murah: “Have planters here, I wonder, heard of the Canarese of Mysore? In the course of conversation, Mr. W. R. Mac Andrew, the Manager of Bukit Jalil Estate, Selangor, who has had a good planting experience in Ceylon, told me the Canarese, both men and women, could not be equalled for road and drain work, and that he would give anything to procure this class of labour. They were hardy, healthy coolies, would stand Malaria well, were cheap, and if properly managed, would be found to be very tractable. I was almost prompted to ask Mr. Mac Andrew why he did not go over to India and get some of these coolies himself. … - By an Occasional Correspondent.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 April 1912, Page 2: |"LABOUR RECRUITING").
1913-04-02: Laporan Tahunan ke-3 (1912): Perlantikan Dr E.A.O. Travers
Pembukaan 100 ekar tanah. Kopi telah ditanam, diselangi getah. Jumlah keluasan tanaman 700 ekar: “The third ordinary general meeting of the Cromlix Rubber Estate and Produce Company, Limited, was held on April 2, at the hall of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Moorgate Place, Moorgate Street, E.C, Mr.James L. Anstruther (chairman of the company) presiding. … Fortunately, during the past year there has been nothing but good to report. It will be seen from the report that during the year an additional 100 acres of land have been opened up and planted with rubber and interplanted with coffee Robusta, or perhaps I should put it the other way, and say, coffee Robusta interplanted with rubber. The coffee is planted in the usual way, 7 ft. by 7 ft., and the rubber is planted 32ft. by 28ft. So far, this additional land has opened out very well. … As you will see from the report, we have now planted 693 1/2 acres, or, say, approximately, 700 acres. Under the terms of the Government grant we must open and plant an additional 300 acres by August, 1914. … the property, namely, Bukit Jalil Estate, was valued at &28,154, thus showing an appreciation of &8,291, or say 47 per cent. above the actual cost. …”
Perlantikan Dr. E.A.O. Travers sebagai penasihat perubatan ladang ini. Beliau melawat ladang sekali sebulan, dan mendapati kelengkapan hospitalnya baik. Kesihatan pekerja juga baik, terdapat 2 kematian sepanjang tahun itu. Kebanyakannya dari India: “Health of the Estate: You will notice from the report that Dr. E.A.O. Travers has been appointed medical adviser for the estate. The health, both of the staff and of the labour force, is a matter of such supreme importance that the directors consider this a wise step to take. The doctor visits the estate once a month, and you will see from the report that he considers the hospital “well situated and amply sufficient for all requirements.” I am glad to say it has proved a great deal more than sufficient for requirements. If the directors had any anxiety in connection with the opening up of Bukit Jalil, it was as regards the question of health, but, so far, these fears have been entirely dissipated. The health of the staff and labour force has been remarkably good and during last year there were only two deaths amongst the coolies. This is a cause for great thankfulness, and should make it comparatively easy to gather together a good labour force. Coolies sufficient for our requirements are arriving from the coast of India. …”
Penghargaan kepada Mr. Gibson (yang mula mengusahakan pembukaan ladang) dan Mr. MacAndrew (yang mengurusnya sejak mula): “Mr. Gibson, who originally secured Bukit Jalil property for us, and who planned its opening, is a substantial share holder in the syndicate. … A special vote of thanks is due to our agents in Kuala Lumpur, and to our very energetic manager Mr. MacAndrew. He has stuck to his post ever since he went to the estate, and when one bears in mind that in short space of three years we have opened up practically 700 acres of land, have made the necessary roads, drains, etc., have build two bungalows, coolie lines and a good hospital, it will be seen that there has been no time lost.”
(Sumber: The Straits Times, 1 May 1913, Page 10: |"CROMLIX RUBBER ESTATE"; The Straits Budget, 8 May 1913, Page 6: |"CROMLIX RUBBER ESTATE. Capital Increased to Carry Out Extensions").
LATAR PERISTIWA: Dr. Ernest Aston Otho (E.A.O.) Travers (1864-1934)
1913-08-18: Kes Pekerja Dirotan Pengurusnya
“Mr. W.R. MacAndrew, manager of the Bukit Jalil Estate, Pataling, was summoned by an estate coolie named Mariappa, at Kuala Lumpur Police Court on Tuesday morning, before Mr. L. McLean, for voluntarily causing hurt to him on August 18. Mr. H.G.R. Leonard, Deputy Controller of Labour, appeared to conduct the case for the complainant. Mariappa stated that he gave notice by means of a registered letter, on receipt of which defendant sent for him. As soon as he got to the bungalow defendant seized him and beat him with a rotan. Defendant showed numerous weals on his back. Mr. Leonard also gave evidence. Defendant pleaded guilty, alleging great provocation. He said complainant had already given verbal notice, which had been accepted. When defendant received the registered letter he sent for complainant to ask him why he had sent it. Complainant came drunk, and was very impertinent, asking defendant who he was, and what right he had to send for complainant like that. The Magistrate enforced a fine of $50. - M M.” (The Straits Budget, 28 August 1913, Page 1: |"RUBBER ITEMS"; Straits Echo, 28 August 1913, Page 8: |"Thrashing a Coolie").
1914-04-21: Laporan Tahunan ke-4 (1913): Hasil Pertama Tanaman Kopi
Perincian keluasan tanaman kopi dan getah, kawasan simpanan hutan, serta populasi pekerja (majoritinya Tamil): “The report of the Cromlix Rubber Estate and Produce Syndicate, says the acreage statement (Bukit Jalil estate) shows:- Para rubber interplanted with coffee Robusta): Planted 1911, 548 1/2 acres; planted 1912, 150 acres; planted 1913, 300 areas; total planted, 993 1/2 acres; forest reserve, 1,088 1/2 acres; total 2,082 acres. Of the reserve acreage mentioned above the company's agents have been requested to hand 1,000 acres back to the Government of the Federated Malay States in order that the high quit rent on unopened land may be avoided. When this land has been surrendered the company will be left with one compact area of 1,082 acres. … In the report dated December 3, 1913, the company's inspector writes:- “There are 202 Tamils and 117 others, making a total of 319 in all on the estate, as compared with 195 Tamils and 35 others, or a total of 230 at even date last year. The health of the labour force is, as it always has been, excellent, and I know of no other estate in the country that shows such a clean bill of health.” Since the above very satisfactory report was written the directors are informed that further additions to the Tamil force have been made, bringing the total number of Tamils up to 237. The inspector reports that both old and new clearings are “clean and in good order.”” (The Straits Times, 5 May 1914, Page 12: | "Cromlix Rubber Estate").
Sebahagian ladang yang belum dibuka seluas 1,000 ekar bakal diserah kembali kepada kerajaan, bagi menjimatkan bayaran cukai tanah: “The fourth ordinary general meeting of the Cromlix Rubber Estate and Produce Syndicate, Limited, was held on April 21, at the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Moorgate Place, E.C., Mr. James L. Austruther (chairman of the company) presiding. … From the report you will see the total acreage is 2,082 acres, of which 993 1/2 acres have now been opened up and planted. After giving the matter careful consideration the directors decided that it was desirable to surrender 1,000 acres of the original grant rather than continue paying the high rent now being charged by the Government. Our agents were instructed to give Government notice accordingly, so from January 1 last our acreage is reduced to approximately 1,082 acres, and a new title will in due course be received. Should we decide later on to extend our planted area we have no doubt the Government will be quite willing to re-let the area now surrendered, and possibly by that time the Government charge will be less onerous than it is to-day.”
Keadaan kesihatan pekerja adalah baik, dan dikatakan popular di kalangan pekerja: “Labour and Health: In my speech last year I drew attention to the wonderfully healthy condition of the estate, and I am glad to say that the experience of the past year confirms all I said then. Our labour force continues ample, and you will see from the report that at present we have 237 Tamils on the estate. This is almost more that we require for present needs, but it is evidence that Bukit Jalil estate is quite popular.”
Tanaman kopi membuahkan hasil buat kali pertama. Harganya tidak begitu menguntungkan, tetapi memadai. Getah masih perlu sedikit masa lagi: “We must wait a little longer before we are able to commence tapping, but we are getting within sight of that time, for 543 acres, you will see, were planted in 1911. Meantime our coffee is coming into bearing, and this month we are gathering our maiden crop. Unfortunately the market for this product is not as strong as we should like it to be, but it will be satisfactory to have some revenue coming in. … We believe we have got a valuable property. We hope to bring it into bearing for about &40 an acre, excluding original purchase price, when it was all forest, but including bungalows, hospital and coolie lines, so that even with rubber at present prices, it ought to pay handsomely. …”
Laporan lawatan Mr. D. K. Michie mendapati ladang dibuka dengan baik dan bersih, dan mengandungi pokok-pokok getah muda yang sihat dan berpotensi, diselangi pokok kopi yang menghasilkan keuntungan yang sederhana: “A Report on the Estate: Mr. D. K. Michie: Mr. Chairman and gentlemen, it affords me pleasure to attend your meeting and tell you that, in my opinion, your property Bukit Jalil is a very promising young rubber estate. I went over the place in company with Mr. Majendie, the visiting agent, and the superintendent about the middle of January last, and was very favourably impressed with what I saw. The estate is well opened and clean, and the young rubber trees have made excellent growth for their age. The Robusta coffee that has been interplanted as a catch crop does not, perhaps, show the even vigour that was expected, but much of it has made good growth and promises to crop well. As a rubber estate Bukit Jalil should be a valuable property in due time.”
(Sumber: The Straits Times, 20 May 1914, Page 12: |"Cromlix Rubber Estate"; The Straits Budget, 21 May 1914, Page 3: |"Cromlix Rubber Estate. FIRST COFFEE CROP IN COURSE OF COLLECTION. The Rubber Outlook").
1915-04-13: Laporan Tahunan ke-5 (1914): Kejatuhan Harga Kopi, Getah Berpotensi
Penurunan luas ladang daripada 2,000 kepada 1,000 ekar untuk penjimatan cukai tanah, telah selesai dijalankan: “The fifth ordinary general meeting of the Cromlix Rubber Estate and Produce Syndicate, Limited, was held at the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Moorgate Place, E.C., on April 13, Mr. James L. Austruther (chairman of the company) presiding. … As stated in my speech last year, the directors decided to surrender 1,000 acreas more or less of the unopened land, so as to save rent. This matter has now been completed. The actual area surrendered to Government was 995 3/4 acres, and we now possess 1,086 1/2 acres, of which 993 1/2 acres are planted with rubber. Instructions have now been sent to open up an additional 6 1/2 axres, so as to give us the round figure of 1,000 acres.”
Aktiviti merumpai dijalankan dengan baik, dan kosnya menurun. Oleh kerana tiada pembukaan kawasan tanaman baru, dan ladang sedia ada yang tiada bersemak belukar, bilangan pekerja dapat dikurangkan: “Weeding: The important work of weeding has been very carefully and economically carried out. You will see from the report that the visiting agent says “the whole of the estate is spotlessly clean from end to end, except about three acres of ravine in No. 2 field, which has never been cleaned up, but will be this year.” The cost of weeding throughout the year averaged dollar cents 75.82 per acre per month, as against cents 90.09 estimated, so that there has been a substantial saving in this important item. The cost of weeding for the current year shows a still further reduction, the estimate being 54.86 cents per acre per month. Labour is sufficient for present requirements, although the number of Tamils was 149 at the end of December as compared with 216 at same date 1913. As no new land is being opened up fewer coolies are required, and the fact that the estate is so free from weeds means a substantial saving in cost of labour. In this connection it is interesting to quote from a private letter from Mr. Edwards, of Messrs. Cumberbatch and Co., Kuala Lumpur, who writes as follows:- “Is it not remarkable the change that has come over the cost of upkeeping a young estate properly, when you see a place like Bukit Jalil, of 993 1/2 acres, being worked with a labour force of under 150 souls? The reason being that it was well opened up and kept clean from the start.” The estate manager does not anticipate any difficulty in obtaining sufficient coolies as and when required, for the estate is now established as an exceptionally healthy property, and recruiting, which was temporarily stopped by the Government during the war, is now being resumed.”
Tanaman getah yang terawal (Blok No.1, 250 ekar) sedia untuk ditoreh. Perancangannya dimulai awal tahun seterusnya: “Rubber: This product is coming on well. The visiting agent, in his latest report, referring to No. 1 block of 250 acres, planted in February, 1911 says;- “The trees are girthing and branching out exceedingly well in this block,” A measurement census has been taken of the trees in this block, and many are already of tappable size. The directors do not propose, however, to commence tapping until the work can be done economically, and that will probably be the beginning of next year. You will remember the last block, No. 4, of 300 acres, was planted in December, 1913, and regarding this Mr. Majendie writes:- “This has come on quite well, and is of quite good growth, and gives every promise of doing well in the future. It is regular, free of disease, and has practically no vacancies.””
Hasil kopi tidak menguntungkan, namun telah memberi manfaat kepada tanaman getah sebagai tanaman tutup bumi: “The coffee planted as a by-product is reported as not likely to become a successful cultivation, and the price obtainable for this produce is very disappointing. Under these circumstances we have decided to confine our attention in future to the one product - rubber - and orders have been given to eliminate the coffee. One of the reasons for planting it was that it should save wash and help to cover the ground whilst the wider-planted rubber was growing, and in this respect it has, we think, been of advantage.”
Pengurus pertamanya, Mr. MacAndrew, telah berpindah, dan digantikan oleh Mr. H.B. Wilkinson: “During this year Mr. H. B. Wilkinson was appointed manager in succession to Mr. MacAndrew, who left for another appointment. Mr. Wilkinson gives promise of successful management, and the directors have every hope he will carry out his duties to his own credit and their satisfaction. In conclusion, I have no reason to alter the opinion expressed by me at our last annual meeting - namely, that this fine estate, Bukit Jalil, efficiently opened and economically worked, should prove a very satisfactory investment, even if rubber does not advance beyond present prices.”
(Sumber: The Straits Times, 22 May 1915, Page 2: |"Cromlix Rubber"; The Straits Budget, 26 May 1915, Page 3: |"Cromlix Rubber. EXCELLENT REPORTS FROM THE ESTATE. Low Capital Cost").
1916-04-11: Laporan Tahunan ke-6 (1915): Getah Sedia Untuk Ditoreh
34 ekar lagi dibuka. 59 ekar hutan yang berbaki, disimpan untuk bekalan kayu api: “The sixth ordinary general meeting of the Cromlix Rubber Estate and Produce Syndicate, Limited, was held on April 11, at the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Moorgate Place, E.C., Mr. J.L. Anstruther, J.P. (the chairman), presiding. … As there was sufficient land available, the directors decided to open up an additional 34 acres, thus increasing the total planted area to the round 1,000 acres. This work was undertaken during the past year, when a 6 1/2 acre block was planted in August and the balance of 27 1/2 acres in December. The former is coming on very well, and I have no doubt it will be the same with the latter. Allowing 27 1/2 acres for sites, roads and waste land, we are left with 59 acres jungle - a very necessary reserve for the provision of firewood.”
Jumlah 1,000 ekar telah ditanam dengan getah. Perancangan membina 2 banglo, rumah pekerja, hospital, sekolah, bekalan air, dan pusat pemprosesan getah keping: “We shall possess Bukit Jalil Estate, in one of the very best rubber districts in the Federated Malay States. With 1,000 acres of this estate all planted with rubber, well drained and roaded and clean weeded, we shall have provided two bungalows, coolie lines, hospital, school, all with water supply laid on also factory and necessary equipment for preparation of smoked sheet rubber. The cost will then amount to approximately &40 per acre - a very moderate figure when the high cost of labour and all materials (especially since the water started) is taken into consideration. …”
Keadaan ladang yang bersih dan tidak berpenyakit, telah menurunkan kos, hasil kerja merumpai sejak awal. “A Clean Estate: This estate is so clean that we are again able to report a saving under this heading. The estimate for 1915 was 54.86c. per acre per month, but the actual cost works out at 46.60c, a figure only possible as the result of having kept the estate clean-weeded from the very start. The estate is not only free from weeds, but also free from pests and diseases, regarding which the visiting agents in his latest report writes:- “There is at present no fomes or, for that matter, any other disease present. White ants give a certain amount of trouble, but are kept well in hand.””
Piawaian ukuran penorehan ditambah agar lebih ekonomikal, lalu melewatkan sedikit permulaan penorehannya: “As stated in the report, our visiting agent informs us that the growth of the trees on Bukit Jalil has been fully up to expectations during the year. In my speech last year I said: “The directors do not propose to commence tapping until the work can be done economically.” This work might have been started last October if we had adopted the usual course of girth making (viz., 18 ins at 8 ft. from the ground) as our starting point. But the cost would have been high and it would have been necessary to suspend the work during the months of wintering. It was therefore decided to raise the standard to 20 ins. at 3 ft. from the ground, which is all to the good of the tree, and I commence tapping after the wintering of the trees for this season was ended. Our manager hoped to make a beginning this month and then go straight ahead. The labour force is sufficient and the health of same satisfactory. Our estate manager, Mr. Wilkinson, has justified our expectations of his ability to successfully manage the estate, and has carried out his duties to the entire satisfaction of the directors and agents.”
Laporan lawatan Mr. D.K. Michie dari Klanang Estate mengatakan semua pokok sihat, dan di kelompok yang tertua, telah pun sedia untuk penorehan: “Condition of the Estate Mr. D.K. Michie said that the chairman had really told the meeting all there was to say about the property. He could, however, say that he had visited the estate as recently as February last and had passed through all the clearings, every one of which showed very good growth for its age. In the oldest clearings - in which the growth was very fine, especially in the lower parts and the hollows and ravines - there was a large number of trees ready for tapping, and arrangements were being made at the time of his visit to commence the work as soon as the trees had put on fresh foliage after the wintering season. From next year onwards the increase in the yield of latex should be very rapid, and, as the world was apparently able easily to absorb the increased production of rubber from the Middle East, he thought that the prospects of the shareholders in the company left very little to be desired. He might add that the impression which the estate manager, Mr. H. B. Wilkinson, had made on him was that he was a man capable of doing full justice to his charge.”
(Sumber: The Straits Times, 24 May 1916, Page 13: |"Cromlix Rubber"; The Straits Budget, 26 May 1916, Page 2: | "Cromlix Rubber. GENEROUS RETURN ON CAPITAL ANTICIPATED. Condition of the Estate").
1917-04-17: Laporan Tahunan ke-7 (1916): Hasil Getah ketika Perang Dunia
Penorehan getah bermula 17 April 1916, melibatkan 10,075 batang pokok, merupakan hasil getah pertama ladang ini: “The amount of capital expenditure on account of Bukit Jalil Estate for 1916 was &3,611. For the first time the directors are able to present shareholders with a profit and loss account, in addition to the balance-sheet. The amount of rubber gathered was 14,389 lbs, realising &1,919. After allowing for the usual charges there remains a net profit for the year of &248, which is carried forward. Tapping was started on April 17, 1916, on 10,075 trees, and by December the number of trees brought into the tapping area was 26,893.” (The Straits Times, 21 May 1917, Page 13: |"Rubber Reports"; The Straits Budget, 25 May 1917, Page 3: |"Rubber Reports. SELANGOR PAYS 216 2/3 PER CENT. Kampong Kuantan’s Good Year").
Kesan negatif Perang Dunia Pertama terhadap pengangkutan kapal, seterusnya aktiviti perladangan: “The seventh ordinary general meeting of the Cromlix Rubber Estate and Produce Syndicate, Limited, was held on April 17, at the Hall of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Moorgate Place, Moorgate Street, E.C., Mr. Jas. L. Anstruther, J.P. chairman of the company, presiding. … Regarding the general growth and appearance of the estate, our visiting agent reports that “the trees are all looking healthy,” and that Field No. 5 - i.e., the one planted in 1915 - “is coming away well.” … The capital expenditure for 1916 was only &3,611 10s. 7d. instead of &5,659 7s. 8d. as estimated. The difference is due to the fact that less crop was gathered than expected, and the factory and machinery included in the estimate were not paid for until the beginning of this year. The charges under recruiting and immigration assessment were also less, as unfortunately we were unable to get as many coolies as we expected. … It is also important we should be provided with sufficient capital, in view of the fact that we cannot in these terrible days of war realise our crop so quickly as in former and happier days. As you are aware, it is often difficult to get freight, and, when we do get it, the voyages are much longer and much more uncertain.”
Keadaan ladang adalah bersih, hasil daripada aktiviti merumpai sejak mula lagi. Penorehan telah dibuat secara konservatif: “Our expenditure on weeding again shows a further decrease in cost, which amounted last year to only 37.74 cents per acre, which the visiting agent reports as very moderate. This is due to the fact, as I have explained in former meetings, that Bukit Jalil estate has been kept clean-weeded from the beginning. The manager, in his latest report, says:- “The whole estate is clean, and there has been practically no disease; white ants, while requiring constant attention, are not serious.” Tapping is being carried on with due regard to economy in consumption of bark.”
Getah telah ditoreh, tetapi hasilnya tidak seperti yang dijangka. Namun jangkaan hanya tekaan sahaja: “The Crop: It was thought that we might get 19,000 lbs. of rubber last year, whereas we only secured 14,389 lbs. The estimate was no doubt a little sanguine, but all such estimates for the first year's crop from a very few trees are always more or less guesswork. The number of trees brought into the tapping area by December 31 last was 26,803, and it is expected that 41,000 trees over 486 acres will be available for tapping this year.”
Pengurus baru, Mr. Wilkinson bertugas tanpa pembantu, kerana sukar diperolehi: “Not an Easy Year: The past year was not an easy one, and great credit is due to our manager, Mr. Wilkinson. He had to work single-handed much longer than was intended, but we found it exceedingly difficult to get him suitable assistance. No one was available locally nor obtainable from Ceylon, and it was only after searching for months at this end that we secured an assistant - one who was exempt from military service. He arrived on the estate early in the year, and will, we sincerely hope, fulfil our expectations.”
(Sumber: The Straits Times, 4 June 1917, Page 12: |"Cromlix Rubber"; The Straits Budget, 8 June 1917, Page 3: |"Cromlix Rubber. DIVIDEND ANTICIPATED FOR THE CURRENT YEAR. Assistants Hard To Find").
1918-01-17: Sepasang Pekerja Cuba Membebaskan Diri
“A Tamil couple were charged in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court before Mr A W Just (Magistrate) with absconding from Bukit Jalil Estate on Jan. 17th. The husband, who had bolted for the second time, was fined $10, and the woman cautioned.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 April 1918, Page 4: |"THE FOUNDATIONS OF VICTORY").
1919-12-20: Pengarangan Risalah Malaria
Pegawai perubatan Bukit Jalil Estate telah mengarang sebuah risalah mengenai wabak Malaria, yang dianggap baik mutunya. Planters' Association of Malaya telah mencadangkan pihak kerajaan tempatan agar menerbitkannya kepada orang awam: “A few valuable hints about malaria have been embodied in a small pamphlet by Cromlix Rubber Estate for distribution among young planting assistants going to the East for the first time. The medical officer of the company's Bukit Jalil estate is the author of the pamphlet, and as the Planters' Association of Malaya have asked the local Government to publish it, the work is evidently thought highly of in the F.M.S. The pamphlet deserves wide publicity, says Mr. Killick in the “Financeer.”” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 December 1919, Page 11: |"HINTS ABOUT MALARIA").
1929: Peta Ladang dan Sekitarnya
Peta Bukit Jalil Estate dan kawasan sekitarnya, 1929. Bukit Jalil yang asal ditandakan dalam bulatan merah, iaitu bucu timur laut Hutan Simpan Ayer Itam (diwartakan 1905). (berdasarkan peta Edward Stanford @ F.M.S. Survey Department, 1929: |"1929 F.M.S. Wall Map of Selangor (Kuala Lumpur)")
1950: Peta Ladang dan Sekitarnya
Peta Bukit Jalil Estate dan kawasan sekitarnya, 1950. Bukit Jalil yang asal ditandakan dalam bulatan merah, iaitu bucu timur laut Hutan Simpan Ayer Itam (diwartakan 1905). (berdasarkan peta Surveyor General, Malaya, 1950 @ Australian National University: |"Malaysia, Malaya, Selangor 1950, Land Use, South Sheet, 1950, 1:126 720").
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