Jadual Kandungan
Polis Selangor (1875)
1875-1882: Pembentukan Polis Selangor
“Menyusuri sejarah awal pembentukan pasukan polis bermula pada tahun 1874 apabila Davidson dilantik sebagai Residen British. Pembentukan pasukan polis diserahkan kepada seorang pegawai muda bernama Harry Syers. Dalam bulan Julai 1875, beliau dilantik sebagai Penguasa Polis dan Penjara Selangor. Menjelang Oktober 1878 anggota Pasukan Polis Selangor meningkat ke angka 270 dan kesemuanya adalah melayu. Balai-balai polis juga didirikan di Klang, Kuala Lumpur, Damansara, Kubu Lama, Sungai Pelong, Hulu Selangor, Sabak Bernam, Jugra, Kancing, Krian dan Hulu Langat. Pasukan polis tersebut dikenali sebagai Pasukan Polis Tentera Selangor (Selangor Military Police Force). Bermula tahun 1882, IPK Selangor dipindahkan dari Klang ke Kuala Lumpur yang sedang pesat membangun ketika itu. Balai Polis Central terletak di persimpangan Jalan Pudu dan Jalan Cross tetapi pusat pentadbiran polis Selangor yang diketuai oleh H.C Syers, terletak di jalan Bluff dimana terletaknya pejabat Polis Bukit Aman sekarang. Pasukan Polis Selangor dibawah pimpinan Syers terus berkembang pesat terutamanya pada akhir tahun 1880-an dan membentuk sebuah pasukan polis yang cekap di Selangor.” (Khashimah bt. Hj. Ismail, 2015: |"Tekanan kerja di kalangan kakitangan awam di Ibupejabat Polis Kontinjen Selangor, Shah Alam", m.s.5).
“Bila Davidson dilantik sebagai Residen British dalam tahun 1874, salah satu tindakan utamanya ialah menubuhkan Pasukan Polis. Pada masa itu, Klang sememangnya telah mempunyai pasukan polisnya di bawah kawalan Tengku Kudin. Justeru, tidaklah susah kepada Inggeris untuk merekrut anggota yang baharu. Hanya anggota yang berdisiplin sahaja yang dipilih semula. Yang lainnya diberhentikan setelah diberi sedikit pampasan. Selebihnya, diambil anggota baharu dari kalangan orang Melayu dari Melaka. Pembentukan Pasukan Polis diserahkan kepada seorang pegawai muda yang bernama Harry Charles Syers (Kemudian menjadi Pesuruhjaya Polis FMS). Dalam bulan Julai 1875, Harry Charles Syers dilantik sebagai Penguasa Polis dan Penjara Selangor.
'No authentic record can be found of this force, but according to Sir Frank Swettenham (” British Malaya,“ page 221), reliable police forces were only established in each State in 1878, the non-commissioned officers and men being obtained from the British forces that were stationed in the colony at the time. The first Residents were also Chiefs of Police. Syers was chosen early in 1875 for secondment to the newly established colonial regime in the Malay state of Selangor, to raise a police force. On arrival at Klang, he took control of about 100 mercenaries, undisciplined, opium-sodden, and unpaid veterans of the civil war of 1867–73. After discharging those beyond rehabilitation he augmented his force to about 150 by recruiting in the Malay villages around Malacca. Almost all his superiors, including at the outset Frank Swettenham, were convinced that the disorder prevalent in the western Malay states could only be suppressed by a foreign gendarmerie of ‘Sikh’ (Punjabi) troops, to be held at a few central points and sent in as a strike force when required.'
Syers percaya untuk kawalan keselamatan di negeri-negeri Melayu , pasukan polis Melayu perlu dihantar dalam jumlah yang kecil ke kampung-kampung untuk membantu Penghulu dan ketua kampung:
'Syers, however, firmly believed that Malays should man the police force in a Malay state, and that they should be dispersed in small numbers to rural police stations to support the local Malay authorities. Although the dispute continued after Syers's death his policy eventually prevailed in shaping the Malayan police.'
'..In 1881 the force was composed of a superintendent (salary 150 dollars per mensem), a senior inspector (salary 80 dollars per mensem), a junior inspector (salary 70 dollars per mensem), 2 sergeant-majors, 31 non-commissioned officers, and 143 constables. The men received 8 dollars per mensem. The only European officer at this time was Captain Syers, who joined on March 1, 1875,…'
Pada tahun 1885, pasukan polis Selangor terdiri daripada seorang ketua polis berbangsa Eropah,2 orang inspektor berbangsa Eropah, 305 orang polis Melayu termasuk 50 orang Sikh. Pada tahun 1887,jumlah ini meningkat kepada 400 orang.
'..Sir Andrew Clarke encouraged recruitement of Sikhs, and by (the end of) 1880s, Captain H.C Syers had assembled a force of about 530 Military Police, known as the Selangor Sikhs. The State of Selangor has 530 Selangor Sikhs under Captain H.C.Syers.'
'..A succession of British residents of Selangor disparaged each other but agreed that Syers did his job very well. His empathy with his Malay police was a personal tie that became a legend. He was less successful in dealings with the Chinese community since, like many other British officials, he did not know that the Chinese leaders whose co-operation he acknowledged exercised authority in their community through ‘secret societies’, a feature of the social structure of the overseas Chinese. But Syers maintained effective order among the Chinese, bringing to justice in 1895 the criminals who had caused a crime wave (including the theft of three government safes).'”
“Contoh Balai Polis di Selangor era Kolonial”
(Sumber: AKU BUDAK TELOK, Februari 20, 2015: |"SEJARAH AWAL POLIS DI KLANG (1871-1896)").
Perihal H.C. Syers: Harry Charles (H.C.) Syers (1853-1897)
1906-1908: Sempadan Polis Kuala Lumpur - Ulu Langat
Peta persempadanan polis daerah Kuala Lumpur, ditandakan merah sebagaimana dalam butiran dokumen ini: “Police District. Kuala Lumpur. Description: Commencing at Gunong Seping and bounded thence on the southeast by a line bearing southwesterly to Bukit Chenuang, on the east by a line bearing southerly to Bukit Blachan, again on the southeast by a line bearing southwesterly to Bukit Sungei Puteh, again on the southeast by a line bearing southwesterly to Bukit Sungei Besi, on the east by a line bearing southerly to a point on the District boundary between Kuala Lumpur and Ulu Langat bearing due east from Bukit Jalil, thence on the south by a line bearing westerly to Bukit Jalil, again on the south by a line bearing westerly to Bukit Permatang Kumbang, on the west by a line bearing northerly to a point due east of the southeastern corner of Sungei Buloh Forest Reserve, again on the south by a line bearing westerly to the southwestern corner of the Sungei Buloh Forest Reserve aforesaid, on the southwest by a line bearing northwesterly to Bukit Puyuh, again on the west by a line bearing northerly to Bukit Mayang, on the north by the District boundary between the Districts of Kuala Lumpur and Ulu Selangor bearing easterly to the State boundary on main range and thence again on the east by the State boundary bearing southerly to the point of commencement. - S? H. ?” (berdasarkan peta Edinburgh Geographical Institute, 1904 @ Yale University Library - Digital Collections: |"Selangor, Federated Malay States, 1904 / John Bartholomew & Co ; W.T. Wood, chief draftman").
Peta persempadanan polis daerah Ulu Langat, ditandakan merah sebagaimana dalam butiran dokumen ini: “Police District, Ulu Langat. Description. Commencing at Gunong Seping and bounded thence on the north by the State boundary bearing easterly to Gunong Besar on the east by the State boundary between Selangor and Negri Sembilan. bearing southerly to Sungei Sumpar, on the south by a line bearing westerly to Bukit Tunggu, on the southwest by a line bearing northwesterly to a point on the Ayer Itam road bearing due south from Bukit Permatang Kumbang, on the west by a line bearing northerly to Bukit Permatang Kumbang aforesaid, again on the north by a line bearing easterly to Bukit Jalil, and thence due east to a point on the District boundary between Kuala Lumpur and Ulu Langat, thence on the west bearing northerly to Bukit Sungei Besi on the northwest by a line bearing northeasterly to Bukit Sungei Puteh, again on the northwest by a line bearing northeasterly to Bukit Blachan; again on the west by a line bearing northerly to Bukit Chenuang, and thence again on the north-west by a line bearing northeasterly to the point of commencement. - S? H. Redbeam Shaw(?)”
(Sumber: Arkib Negara 1957/0140546W, 05/02/1908: |"EUROPEAN POLICE OFFICER TO BE STATIONED IN KAJANG").
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