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kampung_gonggang [2024/03/25 17:32] – [1879-09-01: Laporan Perkebunan di Tangga China] sazlikampung_gonggang [2024/04/26 07:52] (kini) – [1921-11-21: Pembunuhan di Sekitar Rifle Range] sazli
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 ====== Liputan Peristiwa ====== ====== Liputan Peristiwa ======
-===== 1891: Pembukaan Perkuburan Kampung Gonggang ===== 
-//"In 1891, the large Muslim burial ground near the confluence of Gombak and Klang rivers was cleared, fenced up, and supposedly exhumed. As it turned out, not all the graves were disinterred; some remained in the compound of the Masjid Jamek right up till the twenty-first century. A new cemetery was established just outside town at Ampang Road. () It was originally called Tanah Perkuburan Kampung Gonggang, as it was located near the settlement of orang Gonggang (a subgroup of orang Siak). ()"// (m.s.505). 
-{{:peta:19570108145d02-03.png?600|Peta lokasi kubur lama, 1903}} \\ 
-Peta lokasi kubur lama berhampiran pertemuan Sungai Gombak dan Sungai Klang, yang telah diterangkan pada tahun 1891.  
 ===== 1879-09-01: Laporan Perkebunan di Tangga China ===== ===== 1879-09-01: Laporan Perkebunan di Tangga China =====
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 (Sumber: Arkib Negara 1957/0000991W, 01/09/1879: {{ :arkib:19570000991d02.pdf ||}}[[|"RAJA SHABAN'S REPORT: DETAILS ON THE MEASUREMENT AND SURVEY WORKS OF PADDY FIELDS AND ESTATES IN THE STATE."]]). (Sumber: Arkib Negara 1957/0000991W, 01/09/1879: {{ :arkib:19570000991d02.pdf ||}}[[|"RAJA SHABAN'S REPORT: DETAILS ON THE MEASUREMENT AND SURVEY WORKS OF PADDY FIELDS AND ESTATES IN THE STATE."]]).
-===== 1913-06-09: Pengebumian Raja Laut di Perkuburan Gonggang ===== 
-//"Raja Laut dilahirkan pada tahun 1850 dan merupakan putera kedua Sultan Selangor ke-3, Almarhum Sultan Muhammad Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ibrahim Shah, dan juga anak saudara kepada Sultan Selangor ke-4, Sultan Abdul Samad Ibni Almarhum Tengku Abdullah. Almarhum mendapat nama gelaran ‘Laut’ kerana dikatakan dilahirkan ketika bondanya berada di perairan sekitar Lukut. Almarhum tersohor sebagai ketua masyarakat Melayu di Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 1880 dan antara individu yang telah menyelesaikan banyak masalah yang timbul pada ketika itu. Almarhum yang tinggal di Kampung Rawa, pernah dilantik sebagai Ahli Majlis Negeri Selangor dan bertindak sebagai hakim dan penghulu di Kuala Lumpur. Raja Laut turut menjadi pengasas kepada penubuhan Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board pada tahun 1890. Almarhum juga bertanggungjawab menubuhkan Sekolah Melayu pertama di Kuala Lumpur, di mana Almarhum telah menghantar putera tunggalnya, Raja Alang ke sekolah berkenaan. Pada tahun 1898, Almarhum dimasyhurkan sebagai Raja Muda Selangor dan berpindah menetap di Batu Road (kini Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman). Pelantikan Almarhum itu dibuat selepas Raja Muda Sulaiman dimasyhurkan sebagai Sultan Selangor ke-5 bergelar Sultan Sir Alaeddin Sulaiman Shah Ibni Almarhum Raja Muda Musa. Bagaimanapun, Almarhum tetap menggunakan gelaran ‘Raja Muda Laut’ sehingga tahun 1903. Apabila Kesultanan Selangor mengurniakan gelaran Tunku Mahkota untuk Almarhum sebagai pewaris takhta kepada Tengku Musa Eddin Ibni Sultan Alaeddin Sulaiman Shah, Raja Muda Laut tetap mengekalkan gelaran ‘Raja Muda’ sehingga kemangkatan Almarhum pada 9 Jun 1913. Almarhum dimakamkan di Tanah Perkuburan Kampong Gonggang (kini dikenali sebagai Tanah Perkuburan Jalan Ampang) Kuala Lumpur. Sebagai tanda penghargaan dan mengingati jasa dan bakti Almarhum, nama Raja Laut diabadikan sebagai nama sebatang jalan di Kuala Lumpur yang bersambung dengan Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman."//+===== 1891: Pembukaan Perkuburan Kampung Gonggang =====
-{{:gambar:dsc_0144-edit.jpg?550|}}{{:facebook:120727077_942436479582866_5294889428897642179_n.jpg?350|}}{{:facebook:120748911_942436486249532_1345410616706414983_n.jpg?300|}}{{:facebook:120570669_942436476249533_5643847009108171268_n.jpg?300|}}{{:facebook:120662776_942436482916199_3331514186637202467_n.jpg?300|}} \\  +Tanah perkuburan lama di Kuala Lumpur terletak di sebelah utara pertemuan Sungai Gombak dan Sungai Klang, iaitu di tapak Masjid Jamek Kuala Lumpur kini//"In 1891, the large Muslim burial ground near the confluence of Gombak and Klang rivers was cleared, fenced up, and supposedly exhumed. As it turned out, not all the graves were disinterred; some remained in the compound of the Masjid Jamek right up till the twenty-first century."// (Abdur-Razzaq Lubis2018: [[|"Sutan Puasa, Founder of Kuala Lumpur"]], m.s. 505).
-(Sumber: Selangor Royal Office @ Facebook6 Oktober 2020{{ :facebook:siapa_raja_laut_tahukah_anda_raja_laut..._-_selangor_royal_office_facebook.pdf ||}}[[|"SIAPA RAJA LAUT?"]]). \\ +
-(Sumber gambar pertama (versi penuh): Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KLSCCCI) Gallery: {{ :laman:historygallery-chinesechamber-org-my-establishment-of-kl.pdf ||}}[[|"ESTABLISHMENT OF KL"]]).+
-===== 1921-11-21: Pembunuhan di Sekitar Rifle Range ===== +{{:peta:19570108145d02-03.png?380|Peta lokasi kubur lama (1903)}}{{:peta:peta-lokasi-kuburlama-1889.png?520|Peta lokasi kubur lama (1889)}} \\ 
- +**Kiri**Peta lokasi kubur lama berhampiran pertemuan Sungai Gombak dan Sungai Klang, yang telah diterangkan pada tahun 1891 (Arkib Negara 1957/0108145W06/04/1903: {{ :arkib:19570108145d02.pdf ||}}[[|"EMBANKMENT WALLS, GOMBAK RIVER"]]). \\ 
-Kes pembunuhan melibatkan pekerja ladang getah berdekatan [[gonggang#pewartaan_rifle_range|Rifle Range]] (mungkinkah Gonggang Estate?). Pembunuhnya melarikan diri ke Gonggang (Mungkingkah Kampung Gonggang?) sebelum diberkas polis: //"Chief Court Inspector Taylorgave a brief outline of how the alleged crime was committed, from which it appeared that the accused worked on a rubber plantation somewhere in the vicinity of the Ampang Rifle Range. Living with him was a woman named Letchmi, who was not married to the accused but had had two children by him. On the 12th of November, 1921, accused went out to work, as usual, leaving the woman and children in the lines. He came back from work about 8.30a.m., and asked the woman for betel-nut leaves etc. She apparently did not attend to him quickly enough, and a quarrel ensured, during the course which the accused is alleged to have stabbed the woman in the abdomen and left upper arm with a tapping gouge. The woman ran out of the cooly lines shouting, and met the mandor whom she informed that the accused had stabbed her. She was taken to the General Hospital and operated upon by the Medical Officer at once. She died the following evening from shock. Meanwhile, the accused had run away, but was arrested later at Gonggang, wearing a blood-stained coat and singlet."// (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 January 1922, Page 6: {{ :akhbar:pinangazette19220114-1-2-38.pdf ||}} [[|"A MURDER CHARGE"]]). +**Kanan**Peta lokasi kubur lamarelatif kepada persekitarannyaberdasarkan peta Kuala Lumpur tahun 1895  ([[,_1895.jpg|Wikipedia]]).
- +
-===== 1922-10-05Sekumpulan Perompak ===== +
- +
-Sekumpulan perompak merompak sebuah rumah papan di Gonggang (mungkinkah Kampung Gonggang?) yang didiami sepasang suami isteri dan anaknyaserta seorang pekerja. Para perompak kemudiannya berjaya ditangkap, dan sebahagian mereka dijatuhkan hukuman penjara: //"In the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, six Chinese were placed in the dock to take their trial on a charge of a gang robbery, before the Chief Judicial Commissioner. The D.P.P., Mr. Burton, in outlining the case for the prosecution, said that the crime was committed at a place called Gonggang. The complainant live in a plank house there with his wife and child. There were two rooms in the house, one of which was occupied by the owner and his family, and the other by his cooly. On the 5th October, at 9 p.m. the door of the house was broken open and four men entered, held up the inmates and robbed the premises. The wife of the complainant identified three of the accused. On the 8th of October Mr. Dalley arrested the accused, and the stolen property was found in their dwelling. The property had been identified by the owner. After hearing the evidence, his Lordship discharged three men, and sentenced the remaining three to seven years' rigorous imprisonment each."// (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 December 1922, Page 7: {{ :akhbar:pinangazette19221215-1-2-66.pdf ||}}[[|"SELANGOR ASSIZES"]]). +
- +
-===== 1923-02-20: Pengebumian Tuan Haji Abdul Hamid di Perkuburan Gonggang =====+
-//"The death took place at Jenderam on Sunday, the 11th instant, at about 5 a.mof Tuan Haji Abdul HamidKathi of Kuala Lumpur. Tuan Haji Abdul Hamidat the request of the Malayan community of Jenderamwent there last Saturday evening to deliver a lecture on Islamic teachings. He did not appear to be ill until 5 a.m. whenafter his morning prayerhe complained of severe coughing and a few minutes later he passed away peacefully. Tuan Haji Abdul Hamid had been suffering from consumption for the last two years and his death is said to be due to his ailment. His body was taken to Kuala Lumpur on Sunday morningThe funeralwhich was attended by about 400 persons, took place on the same day from his residence No. 3 Gombak Lane, and his body was finally buried at Gonggang Cemetery. He leaves widow and two brothers to mourn his lossBy the death of Tuan Haji Abdul Hamidsays the Malay Mail, the Malay community of Kuala Lumpur has lost an able Guru whose teachings were highly appreciated. During his five years' office in the Kathiship he had removed a great deal of misconceptions and misrepresentations interpolated as Islamic teachings by several so-called teachers of Islamic religion."// (The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 20 February 1923Page 185{{ :akhbar:straitsechomail19230220-1-2-15.pdf ||}}[[|"M.A.P."]]).+Pada tahun 1891, ia telah dipindahkan ke tanah perkuburan baru di tebing selatan Sungai Klang (Jalan Ampang kini). Sebuah jambatan dibina bagi menghubungkan tanah perkuburan itu dengan tebing utara Sungai Klang (kemungkinan sebahagian daripada kawasan Kampung Gonggang), lalu dinamakan Tanah Perkuburan Kampung Gonggang: //"A new cemetery was established just outside town at Ampang Road. ('The public Mohamadan Cemetery is on the other side of the Klang River near Ampang RoadA strong six feet bridge was erected to give necessary access to it.' A. Halevice chairman of the Kuala Lumpur land officeas reported in the Malay Mail13 April 1904reproduced in Khoo Kay Kim, Kuala Lumpur, 27)It was originally called Tanah Perkuburan Kampung Gonggangas it was located near the settlement of orang Gonggang (subgroup of orang Siak)(This Kampung Gonggang is different from the Gonggang settlement near Setapak. Interview with Haji Shahrir Kamil30 November/1 December 2016)"// (Abdur-Razzaq Lubis2018: [[|"Sutan Puasa, Founder of Kuala Lumpur"]], m.s. 505).
 {{:peta:peta-perkuburangonggang-1923.png?450|Peta lokasi Perkuburan Gonggang (1923)}}{{:peta:peta-perkuburangonggang-kini.png?450|Peta lokasi Perkuburan Gonggang, kini Perkuburan Islam Jalan Ampang}} \\ {{:peta:peta-perkuburangonggang-1923.png?450|Peta lokasi Perkuburan Gonggang (1923)}}{{:peta:peta-perkuburangonggang-kini.png?450|Peta lokasi Perkuburan Gonggang, kini Perkuburan Islam Jalan Ampang}} \\
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 **Kanan**: Peta lokasi Perkuburan Gonggang, ditandakan merah, kini Perkuburan Islam Jalan Ampang. ([[|Mapcarta]]). **Kanan**: Peta lokasi Perkuburan Gonggang, ditandakan merah, kini Perkuburan Islam Jalan Ampang. ([[|Mapcarta]]).
-===== 1927-12-11Pengebumian Raja Alang di Perkuburan Gonggang =====+**MAKLUMAT LANJUT[[perkuburan_gonggang|Tanah Perkuburan Kampung Gonggang (1891)]]**.
-//"Raja Alang died on 11 December 1927 and he was buried at the Ampang Islamic Cemetery in Kuala Lumpur."// (Eric Lim @ Museum Volunteers, JMM, July 15, 2020{{ :laman:history_of_kajang_museum_volunteers_jmm.pdf ||}}[[|"History of Kajang"]]).+===== 1921-11-21Pembunuhan di Sekitar Rifle Range =====
-//"Raja Alang tutup usia di Kuala Lumpur pada tanggal 11 Desember 1927 dan disamadikan di Perkuburan Islam Jalan Ampang di Kuala Lumpur dan tidak di Perkuburan Islam Batu 14,Kajang tempat peristirahatan ibundanya,Nyonya Cantik.Pusara Namora Mandailing yang paling kuasaberwibawa dan disegani di Selangor pada pertengan abad 19,Raja Barayun ,ayahanda Raja Alang tidak lagi terdapat di Bukit Melawati tetapi telah dipindahkan ke Bukit Jugra di Kuala Langat.(Utusan M'sia ibid )"// (Hanafiah Lubis @ THE FORGOTTEN PAST OF KHSDECEMBER 302017 (Dikemaskini 08/01/2018): {{ :laman:the_forgotten_past_of_khs_raja_alang_allang_-_orang_etnis_mandailing_-_hanafiah_lubis_terkaya_selangor_._utusan_malaysia_s2_7_april_2012_h20.pdf ||}}[[|"RAJA ALANG/ALLANG - " orang (ETNIS MANDAILING - hanafiah lubis) terkaya Selangor". UTUSAN MALAYSIA S2 7 APRIL 2012 h20"]]).+Kes pembunuhan melibatkan pekerja ladang getah berdekatan [[gonggang#pewartaan_rifle_range|Rifle Range]] (mungkinkah Gonggang Estate?). Pembunuhnya melarikan diri ke Gonggang (Mungkingkah Kampung Gonggang?) sebelum diberkas polis: //"Chief Court Inspector Taylor, gave a brief outline of how the alleged crime was committed, from which it appeared that the accused worked on a rubber plantation somewhere in the vicinity of the Ampang Rifle Range. Living with him was a woman named Letchmi, who was not married to the accused but had had two children by him. On the 12th of November, 1921, accused went out to workas usualleaving the woman and children in the lines. He came back from work about 8.30a.m., and asked the woman for betel-nut leaves etc. She apparently did not attend to him quickly enoughand a quarrel ensuredduring the course which the accused is alleged to have stabbed the woman in the abdomen and left upper arm with a tapping gouge. The woman ran out of the cooly lines shouting, and met the mandor whom she informed that the accused had stabbed her. She was taken to the General Hospital and operated upon by the Medical Officer at once. She died the following evening from shock. Meanwhile, the accused had run away, but was arrested later at Gonggang, wearing a blood-stained coat and singlet."// (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle14 January 1922Page 6: {{ :akhbar:pinangazette19220114-1-2-38.pdf ||}} [[|"A MURDER CHARGE"]]).
-{{:gambar:33p4240757.jpg?300|}}{{:gambar:33p4240760.jpg?300|}}{{gambar:33p4240761.jpg?300|}} \\ +===== 1922-10-05Sekumpulan Perompak =====
-**Kiri**: //"Satu lagi makam yang menarik di tanah perkuburan Ampang ialah ini. Pemiliknya adalah Raja Alang anakanda Raja Berayun, seorang pahlawan dan pemimpin berbangsa Mandailing yang hidup abad ke 19 hingga ke 20."// \\ +
-**Tengah**: //"Cebisan yang pecah dari bangunan makam."// \\ +
-**Kanan**: //"Difahamkan di belakang adalah makam-makam kaum keluarganya."//+
-{{:gambar:33p4240759.jpg?600|Makam Raja Alang anakanda Raja Berayun}} \\ +Sekumpulan perompak merompak sebuah rumah papan di Gonggang (mungkinkah Kampung Gonggang?) yang didiami sepasang suami isteri dan anaknya, serta seorang pekerja. Para perompak kemudiannya berjaya ditangkap, dan sebahagian mereka dijatuhkan hukuman penjara: //"In the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, six Chinese were placed in the dock to take their trial on a charge of a gang robbery, before the Chief Judicial Commissioner. The D.P.P., Mr. Burton, in outlining the case for the prosecution, said that the crime was committed at a place called Gonggang. The complainant live in a plank house there with his wife and child. There were two rooms in the house, one of which was occupied by the owner and his family, and the other by his cooly. On the 5th October, at 9 p.m. the door of the house was broken open and four men entered, held up the inmates and robbed the premises. The wife of the complainant identified three of the accused. On the 8th of October Mr. Dalley arrested the accused, and the stolen property was found in their dwelling. The property had been identified by the owner. After hearing the evidence, his Lordship discharged three men, and sentenced the remaining three to seven years' rigorous imprisonment each."// (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 December 1922, Page 7: {{ :akhbar:pinangazette19221215-1-2-66.pdf ||}}[[|"SELANGOR ASSIZES"]]).
-Inskripsi pada binaan makam: //"Raja Alang bin Raja Berayun ... kembali ke rahmatuLlah Ta'ala pada 11.12.27 (bersamaan16 Jamadul Akhir 1346Allahummaghfir lahu warhamhu wa'aafihi ..."//+
-(Sumber: Radzi Sapiee @ SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART), 25 April 2011: {{ :laman:seni_lama_melayu_malay_olden_art_makam_tomb_of_raja_alang_ibni_raja_berayun.pdf ||}}[[|"Makam (Tomb of) Raja Alang ibni Raja Berayun"]]). 
-{{:gambar:sdc11055.jpg?400|Makam Raja Alang @ 1 Disember 2012, sebelum dibaik pulih}}{{:gambar:sdc10832.jpg?400|Makam Raja Alang @ 6 April 2013, selepas dibaik pulih}} \\ 
-**Kiri**: Makam Raja Alang @ 1 Disember 2012, sebelum dibaik pulih: //"Makam ini telah terlalu lama rosak kerana dihempap oleh pokok dan tiada siapa yang mahu membaik pulih mungkin kerana kosnya yang agak tinggi.  Syah ziarah makan ini semenjak tahun 1990an lagi dan keadaa makam ini memang sudah rosak dan tak pasti semenjak bila iannya dihempap pokok."// \\  
-**Kanan**: Makam Raja Alang @ 6 April 2013, selepas dibaik pulih: //"Beginilah rupanya Makam Al-Marhum Raja Alang yang telah dibaik pulih. ... Karung plastik berhampiran makam ini mungkin bahan yang digunakan untuk mencuci batu mamar yang telah berlumut menjadi putih. Mungkin mereka baru sahaja melakukan proses baik pulih ini. ... Syah rasa apa yang dibuat sekarangpun sudah mencukupi dan memadai walaupun tidak dibaik pulih sepenuhnya. Serpihan batu yang telah pecah di tingkat ketiga telah diletakkan semula dan hanya tinggal satu batu nisan sahaja dan Syah tak pasti yang satu lagi dimana?  Mungkin telah pecah atau diambil orang. Batu nesan yang adapun telah pecah dua. ... Tidak banyak   yang diketahui mengenai Al-Marhum Raja Alang dari keturunan Raja Mendaling ini tetapi setakat yang diketahui Al-Marhum merupakan antara orang Melayu terkaya di Selangor pada tahun 1880an.  Tidak hairanlah makamnya sebegini indah dan unik mengikut statusnya dalam masyarakat ketika itu. "// \\  
-(Sumber: Maharum Bugis Syah, 6 April 2013: {{ :laman:maharum_bugis_syah_mbs_makam_al-marhum_raja_alang_sudah_dibaik_pulih.pdf ||}}[[|"Makam Al-Marhum Raja Alang Sudah Dibaik Pulih"]]). 
 ===== 1934-09-01: Pembunuhan Lim Sang Tay ===== ===== 1934-09-01: Pembunuhan Lim Sang Tay =====
kampung_gonggang.1711359170.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/25 17:32 by sazli