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penjara_pudu [2023/04/26 15:35] – [1946-1957: Penjara Tahanan British] sazlipenjara_pudu [2023/06/18 17:16] (kini) – [1984: Lukisan Mural] sazli
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 Penjara Pudu adalah sebuah penjara di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Ia telah dibina secara berperingkat oleh kerajaan kolonial British di antara 1891 dan 1895, dan terletak di Jalan Shaw (kini Jalan Hang Tuah). Pembinaan dimulakan dengan dinding penjara sepanjang 394 meter yang telah menelan belanja sebanyak $16,000 Straits dolar, dan ianya pernah dihiasi dengan mural terpanjang di dunia suatu ketika dahulu. Ruang setiap penjaranya kecil dan gelap, hanya dilengkapi dengan sebuah tingkap sebesar kotak kasut. Penjara Pudu adalah sebuah penjara di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Ia telah dibina secara berperingkat oleh kerajaan kolonial British di antara 1891 dan 1895, dan terletak di Jalan Shaw (kini Jalan Hang Tuah). Pembinaan dimulakan dengan dinding penjara sepanjang 394 meter yang telah menelan belanja sebanyak $16,000 Straits dolar, dan ianya pernah dihiasi dengan mural terpanjang di dunia suatu ketika dahulu. Ruang setiap penjaranya kecil dan gelap, hanya dilengkapi dengan sebuah tingkap sebesar kotak kasut.
-Kompleks penjara ini telah dimusnahkan hampir sepenuhnya menjelang Disember 2012, untuk tujuan pembangunan kota. Di atas permintaan para pemulihara warisan dan orang awam, pagar utama serta sebahagian dinding luar dikekalkan dan kini menjadi sebahagian daripada taman persekitaran Pusat Bandar Bukit Bintang dan pusat beli-belah, yang dibina di tapak penjara.+Kompleks penjara ini telah dimusnahkan hampir sepenuhnya menjelang Disember 2012, untuk tujuan pembangunan kota. Di atas permintaan para pemulihara warisan dan orang awam, gerbang utama serta sebahagian dinding luar dikekalkan dan kini menjadi sebahagian daripada taman persekitaran Pusat Bandar Bukit Bintang dan pusat beli-belah, yang dibina di tapak penjara.
 ====== 1889-1957: Zaman Kolonial ====== ====== 1889-1957: Zaman Kolonial ======
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 Pintu utamanya pula direkabentuk gaya Moorish, dan dilengkapi dua menara berkubah. Sebagai peninggalan zaman Victoria, rekabentuknya dipengaruhi struktur penjara kolonial British pada zaman itu, yang menitikberatkan keselamatan serta pengoperasian secara manual, selain terlindung dan terhindar daripada pandangan orang awam. Ciri binaannya disesuaikan untuk keadaan iklim serta budaya setempat: //"A relic of the Victorian period, Pudu Jail’s architecture is strongly influenced by British colonial prison structure and design which emphasizes security and manual operation. The butterfly form of the Cell Block is the key architectural asset, hidden from the view of polite society for a century. The building’s bare design and minimal details strengthens its architectural impact as a prison. Its grim character adds an awkward charm to the place. Spooner has produced a prison design that was suitable to the local climate and culture. These are apparent in the use of courtyards, jack-roofs, large overhangs and the Moorish front gate."//  Pintu utamanya pula direkabentuk gaya Moorish, dan dilengkapi dua menara berkubah. Sebagai peninggalan zaman Victoria, rekabentuknya dipengaruhi struktur penjara kolonial British pada zaman itu, yang menitikberatkan keselamatan serta pengoperasian secara manual, selain terlindung dan terhindar daripada pandangan orang awam. Ciri binaannya disesuaikan untuk keadaan iklim serta budaya setempat: //"A relic of the Victorian period, Pudu Jail’s architecture is strongly influenced by British colonial prison structure and design which emphasizes security and manual operation. The butterfly form of the Cell Block is the key architectural asset, hidden from the view of polite society for a century. The building’s bare design and minimal details strengthens its architectural impact as a prison. Its grim character adds an awkward charm to the place. Spooner has produced a prison design that was suitable to the local climate and culture. These are apparent in the use of courtyards, jack-roofs, large overhangs and the Moorish front gate."// 
-(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 9-10, 16-17).+(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 9-10, 16-17).
 Bentuk "X" atau "cruciform" pada blok utamanya adalah mirip Penjara Kandy di Bogambia, Afrika: //"The prison was built at the then princely sum of $138,000. Its first governor was Lt-Kol J.A.B. Ellen. Also known as Pudoh Gaol, most of its building materials were imported from India and Britain. Its design of an X (cruciform) was copied from the Kandy Prison in Bogambia, Africa. It originally had 240 cells on three floors, but more cells were added over the years. Its mass kitchen, bathrooms, administrative office, hospital and training centre are located outside the main X-building structure."// (The Star, 17 Jun 2008: {{ :akhbar:pudu_prison_a_prominent_landmark_in_the_city_the_star.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Prison a prominent landmark in the city"]]). Bentuk "X" atau "cruciform" pada blok utamanya adalah mirip Penjara Kandy di Bogambia, Afrika: //"The prison was built at the then princely sum of $138,000. Its first governor was Lt-Kol J.A.B. Ellen. Also known as Pudoh Gaol, most of its building materials were imported from India and Britain. Its design of an X (cruciform) was copied from the Kandy Prison in Bogambia, Africa. It originally had 240 cells on three floors, but more cells were added over the years. Its mass kitchen, bathrooms, administrative office, hospital and training centre are located outside the main X-building structure."// (The Star, 17 Jun 2008: {{ :akhbar:pudu_prison_a_prominent_landmark_in_the_city_the_star.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Prison a prominent landmark in the city"]]).
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 Pada tahun-tahun awal operasinya, Penjara Pudu adalah satu-satunya penjara di Selangor, memenjarakan lelaki dan wanita dalam tempoh hukuman yang tidak lama. Ia dilengkapi kebun yang dapat menampung keperluan makanan penghuninya: //"Early in its history, Pudu Prison was the only prison in the state of Selangor and used to imprison men and women with short sentences. The prison was also self-sufficient as it had a vegetable garden that could produce enough food for its inmates annually."// ([[|Wikipedia: Pudu Prison]]). Pada tahun-tahun awal operasinya, Penjara Pudu adalah satu-satunya penjara di Selangor, memenjarakan lelaki dan wanita dalam tempoh hukuman yang tidak lama. Ia dilengkapi kebun yang dapat menampung keperluan makanan penghuninya: //"Early in its history, Pudu Prison was the only prison in the state of Selangor and used to imprison men and women with short sentences. The prison was also self-sufficient as it had a vegetable garden that could produce enough food for its inmates annually."// ([[|Wikipedia: Pudu Prison]]).
-Ia juga turut digunakan sebagai pusat operasi tentera British, termasuk tempat menjalankan hukuman bunuh ke atas pemberontak, sama ada oleh pasukan penembak atau digantung. Mayatnya ditanam di kawasan penjara, bagi mengelak diketahui umum: //"During its early years, Pudu Jail was used by the British as an army command centre. Those who fought against the British were executed, either by a firing squad or by hanging, and buried on prison grounds to prevent news about the executions from going beyond Pudu Prison walls."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 11).+Ia juga turut digunakan sebagai pusat operasi tentera British, termasuk tempat menjalankan hukuman bunuh ke atas pemberontak, sama ada oleh pasukan penembak atau digantung. Mayatnya ditanam di kawasan penjara, bagi mengelak diketahui umum: //"During its early years, Pudu Jail was used by the British as an army command centre. Those who fought against the British were executed, either by a firing squad or by hanging, and buried on prison grounds to prevent news about the executions from going beyond Pudu Prison walls."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 11).
 **LATAR PERISTIWA: [[penjara_pudu_awal|Operasi Awal Penjara Pudu (1895-1910)]]** **LATAR PERISTIWA: [[penjara_pudu_awal|Operasi Awal Penjara Pudu (1895-1910)]]**
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 **Kanan**: //"Figure 9: Sweet potatoes planted on the prison grounds (1946)"// **Kanan**: //"Figure 9: Sweet potatoes planted on the prison grounds (1946)"//
-(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 10-11). +(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 10-11). 
 {{:gambar:5ekuz.jpeg?450|gambar 1941.RARE}}{{:gambar:uzxc2.jpeg?450|1940 pintu masuk kedua selepas pintu utama dihapan}} \\ {{:gambar:5ekuz.jpeg?450|gambar 1941.RARE}}{{:gambar:uzxc2.jpeg?450|1940 pintu masuk kedua selepas pintu utama dihapan}} \\
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 {{:gambar:pudu-prison-1900an.png?450|Figure 6: Pudu Jail in early 20th century.}}{{:facebook:242201091_2157571757726011_3241103682795783693_n.jpg?450|Pudu Jail (or was it called Pudu Gaol), Kuala Lumpur - Housing Japanese POW's after the end of WWII, probably in 1946.}} \\ {{:gambar:pudu-prison-1900an.png?450|Figure 6: Pudu Jail in early 20th century.}}{{:facebook:242201091_2157571757726011_3241103682795783693_n.jpg?450|Pudu Jail (or was it called Pudu Gaol), Kuala Lumpur - Housing Japanese POW's after the end of WWII, probably in 1946.}} \\
-**Kiri**: //"Figure 6: Pudu Jail in early 20th century."// \\+**Kiri**: //"Figure 6: Pudu Jail in early 20th century."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 10-11). \\
 **Kanan**: //"Pudu Jail (or was it called Pudu Gaol), Kuala Lumpur - Housing Japanese POW's after the end of WWII, probably in 1946."// (Vijaya Kumar Ganapathy @ Facebook: Classic Malaya & Malaysia, 17 September 2021 : [[|"Pudu Jail (or was it called Pudu Gaol), Kuala Lumpur - Housing Japanese POW's after the end of WWII, probably in 1946."]]). **Kanan**: //"Pudu Jail (or was it called Pudu Gaol), Kuala Lumpur - Housing Japanese POW's after the end of WWII, probably in 1946."// (Vijaya Kumar Ganapathy @ Facebook: Classic Malaya & Malaysia, 17 September 2021 : [[|"Pudu Jail (or was it called Pudu Gaol), Kuala Lumpur - Housing Japanese POW's after the end of WWII, probably in 1946."]]).
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 {{:facebook:244726535_6525937240757334_7472080004561385573_n.jpg?440|BEKAS KEMPEITAI JEPUN DIKECAM DI KUALA LUMPUR}}{{:gambar:pudu-prison-1946-crowd.png?460|Figure 16: A crowd gathers to watch the bodies of executed prisoners carried into lorries (1946).}} {{:facebook:244726535_6525937240757334_7472080004561385573_n.jpg?440|BEKAS KEMPEITAI JEPUN DIKECAM DI KUALA LUMPUR}}{{:gambar:pudu-prison-1946-crowd.png?460|Figure 16: A crowd gathers to watch the bodies of executed prisoners carried into lorries (1946).}}
 **Kiri**: //"Satu perarakan lori terbuka mendedahkan bekas Kempeitai Jepun telah diadakan di Kuala Lumpur pada 30 September 1946 ."// (Megat Kucing @ Facebook: Santai Sejarah, 7 Oktober 2021: [[|"BEKAS KEMPEITAI JEPUN DIKECAM DI KUALA LUMPUR"]]). \\   **Kiri**: //"Satu perarakan lori terbuka mendedahkan bekas Kempeitai Jepun telah diadakan di Kuala Lumpur pada 30 September 1946 ."// (Megat Kucing @ Facebook: Santai Sejarah, 7 Oktober 2021: [[|"BEKAS KEMPEITAI JEPUN DIKECAM DI KUALA LUMPUR"]]). \\  
-**Kanan**: Gambar sekitar 1946: orang ramai mengerumuni jenazah pesalah yang telah dihukum mati ketika dibawa masuk ke dalam lori: //"Figure 16: A crowd gathers to watch the bodies of executed prisoners carried into lorries (1946)."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 12, 15-16).+**Kanan**: Gambar sekitar 1946: orang ramai mengerumuni jenazah pesalah yang telah dihukum mati ketika dibawa masuk ke dalam lori: //"Figure 16: A crowd gathers to watch the bodies of executed prisoners carried into lorries (1946)."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], 15-16).
 {{:gambar:penjara-pudu-1945.png?450|Pudu Jail, Kuala Lumpur. 1945}}{{facebook:100522747_2655917231358543_1339368938324099072_n.jpg?450|Foto 1945 - diedit semula}} \\ {{:gambar:penjara-pudu-1945.png?450|Pudu Jail, Kuala Lumpur. 1945}}{{facebook:100522747_2655917231358543_1339368938324099072_n.jpg?450|Foto 1945 - diedit semula}} \\
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 Hal ini menjadi salah satu hujah penting mengapa penjara ini harus dipulihara: //"It is important to realize that within 100 years of serving as a prison, Pudu Jail’s inmates were not solely convicts but also servicemen and nationalists who fought against the Japanese and British for Malaya’s liberation. The prison’s key significance is the role it played towards the emergence of Malaysia’s nationhood."// Hal ini menjadi salah satu hujah penting mengapa penjara ini harus dipulihara: //"It is important to realize that within 100 years of serving as a prison, Pudu Jail’s inmates were not solely convicts but also servicemen and nationalists who fought against the Japanese and British for Malaya’s liberation. The prison’s key significance is the role it played towards the emergence of Malaysia’s nationhood."//
-(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 12, 15-16).+(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], 15-16).
 {{:peta:peta-kl-jalanpudu-1950.png?550|Peta lokasi Penjara Pudu, 1950}}{{:gambar:puduprison1950.jpg?350|Pandangan dari Udara Penjara Pudu dalam tahun 1950}} \\ {{:peta:peta-kl-jalanpudu-1950.png?550|Peta lokasi Penjara Pudu, 1950}}{{:gambar:puduprison1950.jpg?350|Pandangan dari Udara Penjara Pudu dalam tahun 1950}} \\
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 //"Mengikut rekod yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Penjara Malaysia seramai 180 pesalah telah menjalani hukuman gantung sampai mati di jerut tali gantung di situ akibat pelbagai kesalahan berat dari tahun 1960 sehingga operasinya ditutup secara rasminya pada 31 Oktober 1996. Akta yang melibatkan hukuman mati ketika itu ialah Akta Senjata Api (Penalti lebih berat) 1971, Kanun keseksaan (Akta 574), Akta Penculikan 1961, Akta Senjata 1960, Akta Angkatan Tentera 1972 dan Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952."// (Bebasnews, 05/06/2020: {{ :laman:penjara_pudu_-_masihkah_kau_ingat_lagi_-_bebasnews.pdf ||}}[[|"Penjara Pudu – Masihkah kau ingat lagi"]]). //"Mengikut rekod yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Penjara Malaysia seramai 180 pesalah telah menjalani hukuman gantung sampai mati di jerut tali gantung di situ akibat pelbagai kesalahan berat dari tahun 1960 sehingga operasinya ditutup secara rasminya pada 31 Oktober 1996. Akta yang melibatkan hukuman mati ketika itu ialah Akta Senjata Api (Penalti lebih berat) 1971, Kanun keseksaan (Akta 574), Akta Penculikan 1961, Akta Senjata 1960, Akta Angkatan Tentera 1972 dan Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952."// (Bebasnews, 05/06/2020: {{ :laman:penjara_pudu_-_masihkah_kau_ingat_lagi_-_bebasnews.pdf ||}}[[|"Penjara Pudu – Masihkah kau ingat lagi"]]).
-{{:gambar:jlnhangtuahpudujail50s.jpg?600|Pudu Jail & part of Shaw Road (now Jalan Hang Tuah)}} \\ +{{:gambar:jlnhangtuahpudujail50s.jpg?450|Pudu Jail & part of Shaw Road (now Jalan Hang Tuah)}}{{:facebook:296431848_2413972385419279_4286625493822219211_n.jpg?450|Walking at Shaw Road (Jalan Hang Tuah) and Pudu Jail - Kuala Lumpur, circa 1940's / 50's}} \\  
-Penjara Pudu dan Jalan Shaw (kini Jalan Hang Tuah), kemungkinan sekitar 1950-an: //"Pudu Jail & part of Shaw Road (now Jalan Hang Tuah)"// (taurus064 @ Skyscraper City, Jan 23, 2011: {{ :laman:kuala_lumpur_old_pictorial_thread_page_14_skyscrapercity_forum.pdf ||}}[[|"KUALA LUMPUR | OLD Pictorial Thread"]], m.s.14).+**Kiri**: Penjara Pudu dan Jalan Shaw (kini Jalan Hang Tuah), kemungkinan sekitar 1950-an: //"Pudu Jail & part of Shaw Road (now Jalan Hang Tuah)"// (taurus064 @ Skyscraper City, Jan 23, 2011: {{ :laman:kuala_lumpur_old_pictorial_thread_page_14_skyscrapercity_forum.pdf ||}}[[|"KUALA LUMPUR | OLD Pictorial Thread"]], m.s.14). \\ 
 +**Kanan**: //"Walking at Shaw Road (Jalan Hang Tuah) and Pudu Jail - Kuala Lumpur, circa 1940's / 50's"// (Vijaya Kumar Ganapathy @ Facebook: Classic Malaya & Malaysia, 30 Julai 2022: [[|"Walking at Shaw Road (Jalan Hang Tuah) and Pudu Jail - Kuala Lumpur, circa 1940's / 50's"]]).
 **Cebisan Peristiwa, Kakitangan, dan Tahanan: [[penjara_pudu_merdeka|Penjara Pudu Selepas Merdeka (1957-1996)]]** **Cebisan Peristiwa, Kakitangan, dan Tahanan: [[penjara_pudu_merdeka|Penjara Pudu Selepas Merdeka (1957-1996)]]**
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 ===== 1960-an: Pusat Tahanan Sementara ===== ===== 1960-an: Pusat Tahanan Sementara =====
-Mulai tahun 1960-an, Penjara Pudu hanya menjadi lokap sementara untuk tahanan reman serta banduan yang bakal dibebaskan: //"From 1960, Pudu Jail only housed remand and pre-released prisoners."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 14).+Mulai tahun 1960-an, Penjara Pudu hanya menjadi lokap sementara untuk tahanan reman serta banduan yang bakal dibebaskan: //"From 1960, Pudu Jail only housed remand and pre-released prisoners."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 14).
 Rutin banduan Penjara Pudu: //"The prisoner's day started at 10 o’clock on the day where they worked as tailors, cobblers and at the dhobi, but at night the prison came alive with activities. Secret deals were made via ‘night shooters’, where the prisoners would share information with other inmates by using what they called a blowpipe or in Malay ‘sumpit’ made from rolled-up newspaper and shoot paper bullets with messages (Inishah, 2011)."// (Izzul Hafiy Rosli, Roslina Abdul Latif @ Taylor's University / International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS), Volume VI, Issue III, March 2021: {{ :makalah:136-159.pdf ||}}[[|"Penjara Pudu: Demolished Prison of Dark Recollections"]]). Rutin banduan Penjara Pudu: //"The prisoner's day started at 10 o’clock on the day where they worked as tailors, cobblers and at the dhobi, but at night the prison came alive with activities. Secret deals were made via ‘night shooters’, where the prisoners would share information with other inmates by using what they called a blowpipe or in Malay ‘sumpit’ made from rolled-up newspaper and shoot paper bullets with messages (Inishah, 2011)."// (Izzul Hafiy Rosli, Roslina Abdul Latif @ Taylor's University / International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS), Volume VI, Issue III, March 2021: {{ :makalah:136-159.pdf ||}}[[|"Penjara Pudu: Demolished Prison of Dark Recollections"]]).
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 **Kanan**: Gambar menara pengawal dari jarak dekat (2006). Kelihatan ukiran kayu pada tingkap dan bumbung menara: //"Figure 19: Visible wood carvings on the Minangkabau watch tower."// **Kanan**: Gambar menara pengawal dari jarak dekat (2006). Kelihatan ukiran kayu pada tingkap dan bumbung menara: //"Figure 19: Visible wood carvings on the Minangkabau watch tower."//
-(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 12, 14, 17).+(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 12, 14, 17).
 ==== Kawasan Sekitar Penjara Pudu, 1970-an ==== ==== Kawasan Sekitar Penjara Pudu, 1970-an ====
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 ===== 1984: Lukisan Mural ===== ===== 1984: Lukisan Mural =====
-Salah seorang tahanan Penjara Pudu, Khong Yen Chee, telah melukis mural di dinding luar penjara sepanjang 860 kaki dan setinggi 14 kaki. Beliau mengambil masa setahun untuk menyiapkannya, menggunakan kira-kira 2000 liter cat. Ia direkodkan di dalam Guiness Records sebagai mural terpanjang di dunia. Ia berperanan menampilkan imej yang lebih aman kepada pemandangan kota di sekelilingnya, juga turut dipengaruhi nilai Islami, berdasarkan ketiadaan lukisan makhluk hidup di dalamnya: //"Kuala Lumpur expanded rapidly after the formation of Malaysia. Pudu Jail suddenly found itself in the heart of a bustling city centre. Perceived as being too grim for the cityscape, an inmate named Khong Yen Chong painted the outer prison walls with an impressive mural of tropical scenes as community service. The 860ft x 14ft mural took a year to complete using up to 2000 liters of paint. It was recorded in the Guinness Records as the longest mural in the world. ... The mural paintings on the prison walls smoothens the relation of the prison with the cityscape. It is noted that the absent of sentient beings on the murals are influenced by the Islamic religion."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 12, 14, 17, 21).+Salah seorang tahanan Penjara Pudu, Khong Yen Chong, telah melukis mural di dinding luar penjara sepanjang 860 kaki dan setinggi 14 kaki. Beliau mengambil masa setahun untuk menyiapkannya, menggunakan kira-kira 2000 liter cat. Ia direkodkan di dalam Guiness Records sebagai mural terpanjang di dunia. Ia berperanan menampilkan imej yang lebih aman kepada pemandangan kota di sekelilingnya, juga turut dipengaruhi nilai Islami, berdasarkan ketiadaan lukisan makhluk hidup di dalamnya: //"Kuala Lumpur expanded rapidly after the formation of Malaysia. Pudu Jail suddenly found itself in the heart of a bustling city centre. Perceived as being too grim for the cityscape, an inmate named Khong Yen Chong painted the outer prison walls with an impressive mural of tropical scenes as community service. The 860ft x 14ft mural took a year to complete using up to 2000 liters of paint. It was recorded in the Guinness Records as the longest mural in the world. ... The mural paintings on the prison walls smoothens the relation of the prison with the cityscape. It is noted that the absent of sentient beings on the murals are influenced by the Islamic religion."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 12, 14, 17, 21).
 Menurut New Straits Times, beberapa banduan lain turut membantu, dan rekod dicatat ketika ia masih belum siap sepenuhnya: //"Using some 2,000 litres of paint, Khong and other inmates painted a long mural depicting the country's tropical landscape, while serving his jail sentences in 1984. The mural, which was not completed at the time, earned a mention in the Guinness Book of Records for being the longest in the world."// (Esther Landau @ New Straits Times: August 20, 2020: {{ :akhbar:nst175_for_100_years_a_city_landmark.pdf ||}}[[|"NST175: For 100 years a city landmark"]]). Menurut New Straits Times, beberapa banduan lain turut membantu, dan rekod dicatat ketika ia masih belum siap sepenuhnya: //"Using some 2,000 litres of paint, Khong and other inmates painted a long mural depicting the country's tropical landscape, while serving his jail sentences in 1984. The mural, which was not completed at the time, earned a mention in the Guinness Book of Records for being the longest in the world."// (Esther Landau @ New Straits Times: August 20, 2020: {{ :akhbar:nst175_for_100_years_a_city_landmark.pdf ||}}[[|"NST175: For 100 years a city landmark"]]).
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 **Kanan**: Sebahagian mural pada dinding luar penjara (2006). Kelihatan cat yang kian pudar: //"Figure 22: Present mural walls of Pudu Jail. Paint condition is poor. New overcoat deemed unsuitable."// **Kanan**: Sebahagian mural pada dinding luar penjara (2006). Kelihatan cat yang kian pudar: //"Figure 22: Present mural walls of Pudu Jail. Paint condition is poor. New overcoat deemed unsuitable."//
-(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 12, 14, 17, 21).+(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 12, 14, 17, 21).
 ===== 1985: Kesesakan Banduan ===== ===== 1985: Kesesakan Banduan =====
-Pada tahun 1985, Penjara Pudu mengalami masalah kesesakan paling teruk, sehingga 6,550 orang tahanan terpaksa bergilir-gilir tidur dalam hanya 950 bilik tahanan: //"There was a serious overcrowding problem in 1980s when it housed more than 1,300 prisoners. The worst happened in 1985 where 6,550 prisoners accommodated in the 950 cells had to take turn to sleep."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 14).+Pada tahun 1985, Penjara Pudu mengalami masalah kesesakan paling teruk, sehingga 6,550 orang tahanan terpaksa bergilir-gilir tidur dalam hanya 950 bilik tahanan: //"There was a serious overcrowding problem in 1980s when it housed more than 1,300 prisoners. The worst happened in 1985 where 6,550 prisoners accommodated in the 950 cells had to take turn to sleep."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 14).
 Menurut Haji Aziz Haji Idris (pegawai di Penjara Pudu pada tahun 1965-1970, kemudian dilantik sebagai pengarahnya bagi tahun 1987-1991), sebelum Penjara Kajang dibina, Penjara Pudu merupakan satu-satunya pusat penjara di Malaysia, yang menerima banduan sejauh Perak dan Pahang. Ketika krisis kesesakan banduan berlaku, setiap bilik tahanan dimuatkan seramai 11 orang, dan mereka terpaksa tidur bergilir. Tingkapnya yang kecil (2 kaki lebar), dan kegunaan baldi plastik sebagai tandas, menyebabkan bau busuk://"Haji Aziz Haji Idris had two stints in Pudu Prison – the first from 1965 to 1970, and returning as its director from 1987 until he retired in 1991. He says that there were quarters for staff across the road, which was not as busy then. The staff would assemble in the morning and march across the road, and traffic had to stop for them to cross. ... Aziz also remembers how bad the conditions in the jail were in the early 1980s. “Before Kajang Prison was built, it was the centre of incarceration for Malaysia. We used to get prisoners from as far away as Perak and Pahang. “At its worst, there were 5,000 to 6,000 prisoners in a prison that was only meant for 800,” he says. He describes the cells as being very small and meant for a single person, but they had to place 11 people in there. “It was so bad they had to sleep in shifts. Furthermore, there was hardly any ventilation, just a window about two feet wide. They had to use a plastic pail as a toilet, and when you opened the door to the cell, the stench was overpowering.”"// (D. RAJ and JOSEPH LOH @ The Star, 27 Jun 2010: {{ :akhbar:if_the_prison_walls_could_talk_the_star.pdf ||}}[[|"If the prison walls could talk"]]). Menurut Haji Aziz Haji Idris (pegawai di Penjara Pudu pada tahun 1965-1970, kemudian dilantik sebagai pengarahnya bagi tahun 1987-1991), sebelum Penjara Kajang dibina, Penjara Pudu merupakan satu-satunya pusat penjara di Malaysia, yang menerima banduan sejauh Perak dan Pahang. Ketika krisis kesesakan banduan berlaku, setiap bilik tahanan dimuatkan seramai 11 orang, dan mereka terpaksa tidur bergilir. Tingkapnya yang kecil (2 kaki lebar), dan kegunaan baldi plastik sebagai tandas, menyebabkan bau busuk://"Haji Aziz Haji Idris had two stints in Pudu Prison – the first from 1965 to 1970, and returning as its director from 1987 until he retired in 1991. He says that there were quarters for staff across the road, which was not as busy then. The staff would assemble in the morning and march across the road, and traffic had to stop for them to cross. ... Aziz also remembers how bad the conditions in the jail were in the early 1980s. “Before Kajang Prison was built, it was the centre of incarceration for Malaysia. We used to get prisoners from as far away as Perak and Pahang. “At its worst, there were 5,000 to 6,000 prisoners in a prison that was only meant for 800,” he says. He describes the cells as being very small and meant for a single person, but they had to place 11 people in there. “It was so bad they had to sleep in shifts. Furthermore, there was hardly any ventilation, just a window about two feet wide. They had to use a plastic pail as a toilet, and when you opened the door to the cell, the stench was overpowering.”"// (D. RAJ and JOSEPH LOH @ The Star, 27 Jun 2010: {{ :akhbar:if_the_prison_walls_could_talk_the_star.pdf ||}}[[|"If the prison walls could talk"]]).
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 Demonstrasi sebatan sedang dijalankan di hadapan para pengunjung di ruang laman blok utama: //"Figure 14: Whipping demonstration carried out to the visitors (1997). Pudu Prison was the first Malaysian prison to be opened to the public, attracting huge crowds."// Demonstrasi sebatan sedang dijalankan di hadapan para pengunjung di ruang laman blok utama: //"Figure 14: Whipping demonstration carried out to the visitors (1997). Pudu Prison was the first Malaysian prison to be opened to the public, attracting huge crowds."//
-(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 14).+(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 14).
 ==== Pameran Seni (3-26 Januari 1998) ==== ==== Pameran Seni (3-26 Januari 1998) ====
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 Menurut New Straits Times, ia juga dibuka sebagai muzium, serta pusat tahanan sementara penagih dadah: //"It was closed again a few years later and reopened in 2004 as a museum. At the same time, it was also used as a temporary detention centre for drug addicts from the Hang Tuah police station."// (Esther Landau @ New Straits Times: August 20, 2020: {{ :akhbar:nst175_for_100_years_a_city_landmark.pdf ||}}[[|"NST175: For 100 years a city landmark"]]). Menurut New Straits Times, ia juga dibuka sebagai muzium, serta pusat tahanan sementara penagih dadah: //"It was closed again a few years later and reopened in 2004 as a museum. At the same time, it was also used as a temporary detention centre for drug addicts from the Hang Tuah police station."// (Esther Landau @ New Straits Times: August 20, 2020: {{ :akhbar:nst175_for_100_years_a_city_landmark.pdf ||}}[[|"NST175: For 100 years a city landmark"]]).
-Tiada maklumat lanjut diperolehi berkenaan penaiktarafan ini, oleh kerana ianya rahsia keselamatan pihak polis: //"Information on the prison’s recent upgrade in 2004 is inaccessible due to the tight security of it being a new police station."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 8).+Tiada maklumat lanjut diperolehi berkenaan penaiktarafan ini, oleh kerana ianya rahsia keselamatan pihak polis: //"Information on the prison’s recent upgrade in 2004 is inaccessible due to the tight security of it being a new police station."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 8).
 {{:gambar:pudu_prison_kl_aerial.jpg?800|Aerial view of Pudu Prison (2004-02-23)}} \\ {{:gambar:pudu_prison_kl_aerial.jpg?800|Aerial view of Pudu Prison (2004-02-23)}} \\
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 ===== 2006: Dikembalikan kepada Uda Holdings ===== ===== 2006: Dikembalikan kepada Uda Holdings =====
-Pada tahun 2006, setelah menjadi lokap sementara bagi penagih dadah di sekitar Kuala Lumpur, pihak pentadbiran Wilayah Persekutuan menyerahkan kembali Penjara Pudu kepada Uda Holdings Berhad, yang merancang untuk membina hotel, pusat perniagaan, premis pejabat dan kediaman di tapak penjara itu, dan bakal dikenali sebagai "Bukit Bintang City Centre". Menurut Pelan Struktur Kuala Lumpur 2020, Penjara Pudu tidak akan dikekalkan. Sementara itu, Jabatan Muzium dan Antikuiti sedang membuat penilaian terhadap nilai warisan penjara ini: //"Currently, Pudu Jail serves as Hang Tuah Police Station, a temporary drug addict hold up centre. In 2006, the Federal Territory Administration will return the land to its owner, Uda Holdings Berhad. The company plans to develop the site into series of hotels, retails, offices and apartments known as the Bukit Bintang City Centre. ... Kuala Lumpur’s Structure Plan 2020 (paragraph 811) recommends Pudu Jail to be developed as a high density residential development incorporating service apartments and a neighbourhood park. It is noted that no intentions to conserve the prison are mentioned. ... Measured drawings of the prison have been carried out by architectural students of Malaya University (1990) and International Islamic University Malaysia (2004). At present, The Malaysian Antiquity Department is analyzing the prison’s heritage value."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 8).+Pada tahun 2006, setelah menjadi lokap sementara bagi penagih dadah di sekitar Kuala Lumpur, pihak pentadbiran Wilayah Persekutuan menyerahkan kembali Penjara Pudu kepada Uda Holdings Berhad, yang merancang untuk membina hotel, pusat perniagaan, premis pejabat dan kediaman di tapak penjara itu, dan bakal dikenali sebagai "Bukit Bintang City Centre". Menurut Pelan Struktur Kuala Lumpur 2020, Penjara Pudu tidak akan dikekalkan. Sementara itu, Jabatan Muzium dan Antikuiti sedang membuat penilaian terhadap nilai warisan penjara ini: //"Currently, Pudu Jail serves as Hang Tuah Police Station, a temporary drug addict hold up centre. In 2006, the Federal Territory Administration will return the land to its owner, Uda Holdings Berhad. The company plans to develop the site into series of hotels, retails, offices and apartments known as the Bukit Bintang City Centre. ... Kuala Lumpur’s Structure Plan 2020 (paragraph 811) recommends Pudu Jail to be developed as a high density residential development incorporating service apartments and a neighbourhood park. It is noted that no intentions to conserve the prison are mentioned. ... Measured drawings of the prison have been carried out by architectural students of Malaya University (1990) and International Islamic University Malaysia (2004). At present, The Malaysian Antiquity Department is analyzing the prison’s heritage value."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 8).
 ==== Cadangan Pemuliharaan ==== ==== Cadangan Pemuliharaan ====
-Antara rekod seruan orang awam ke arah pemuliharaan Penjara Pudu ialah sebuah kertas kerja akademik yang diterbitkan pada tahun yang sama. Antara lain, ia menegaskan nilai sejarah pada binaan tersebut: //"Pudu Jail, once Malaysia’s grand dame of penitentiary, currently faces possible redundancy and demolishment. This conservation statement is the first step in addressing these issues and will be used to support and initiate further listing application and consultation. It sets out Pudu Jail’s heritage attributes and looks into its protection while allowing appropriate development. The walled prison, located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, has witnessed the city’s growth since 1895. Its integral role was when it was used as a P.O.W camp centre during the Japanese Occupation. Pudu Jail is of value for its colonial architectural design and its survival into modern Kuala Lumpur’s cityscape. Threats to Pudu Jail’s further existence includes Malaysia’s present statutory and legislation, disputes on suitable use, pressures of high real estate value, lack of public awareness, surrounding development and poor maintenance and upgrading works. The suggested conservation principles identifies the need for cooperation between public and private bodies, better informed management, raising awareness, public participation, monitoring of potential threats and market research for potential use. A successful transformation of Pudu Jail from a building synonym with incarceration and punishment into a new exciting quarter of national importance for Kuala Lumpur will mark a significant chapter in Malaysia’s heritage conservation history."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 6).+Antara rekod seruan orang awam ke arah pemuliharaan Penjara Pudu ialah sebuah kertas kerja akademik yang diterbitkan pada tahun yang sama. Antara lain, ia menegaskan nilai sejarah pada binaan tersebut: //"Pudu Jail, once Malaysia’s grand dame of penitentiary, currently faces possible redundancy and demolishment. This conservation statement is the first step in addressing these issues and will be used to support and initiate further listing application and consultation. It sets out Pudu Jail’s heritage attributes and looks into its protection while allowing appropriate development. The walled prison, located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, has witnessed the city’s growth since 1895. Its integral role was when it was used as a P.O.W camp centre during the Japanese Occupation. Pudu Jail is of value for its colonial architectural design and its survival into modern Kuala Lumpur’s cityscape. Threats to Pudu Jail’s further existence includes Malaysia’s present statutory and legislation, disputes on suitable use, pressures of high real estate value, lack of public awareness, surrounding development and poor maintenance and upgrading works. The suggested conservation principles identifies the need for cooperation between public and private bodies, better informed management, raising awareness, public participation, monitoring of potential threats and market research for potential use. A successful transformation of Pudu Jail from a building synonym with incarceration and punishment into a new exciting quarter of national importance for Kuala Lumpur will mark a significant chapter in Malaysia’s heritage conservation history."// (Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 6).
 {{:gambar:pudu-depan-2006.png?180|Figure 1: Pudu Jail’s Front Gate.}}{{:gambar:pudu-east-2006.png?400|}}{{:gambar:pudu-prison-interior-2006.png?320|Figure 15: The present condition of the Cell Block’s interior. Original design and fittings appear to have survived.}} \\ {{:gambar:pudu-depan-2006.png?180|Figure 1: Pudu Jail’s Front Gate.}}{{:gambar:pudu-east-2006.png?400|}}{{:gambar:pudu-prison-interior-2006.png?320|Figure 15: The present condition of the Cell Block’s interior. Original design and fittings appear to have survived.}} \\
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 Bayangan naik taraf Penjara Pudu cara alternatif oleh Mariana Isa (2006), iaitu sebagai muzium dan pusat aktiviti masyarakat: //"Figure 23: Illustration of Pudu Jail as a museum. The cell block’s courtyard creates an interesting enclosed space."// Bayangan naik taraf Penjara Pudu cara alternatif oleh Mariana Isa (2006), iaitu sebagai muzium dan pusat aktiviti masyarakat: //"Figure 23: Illustration of Pudu Jail as a museum. The cell block’s courtyard creates an interesting enclosed space."//
-(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ ::makalah:dokumen.tips_pudu-jail-conservation-statement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], m.s. 7-8, 15-17).+(Sumber: Mariana Isa @ University of Bath, 2006: {{ :makalah:pudujailconservationstatement.pdf ||}}[[|"Pudu Jail Conservation Statement"]], 15-17).
 {{:gambar:yosripintupenjarapudu.jpg?300|Hakcipta Mohamed Yosri Mohamed Yong}}{{:gambar:pudu-kl.jpg?440|Murals outside Pudu Prison, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (29 Jan 06)}} \\ {{:gambar:yosripintupenjarapudu.jpg?300|Hakcipta Mohamed Yosri Mohamed Yong}}{{:gambar:pudu-kl.jpg?440|Murals outside Pudu Prison, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (29 Jan 06)}} \\
penjara_pudu.1682494531.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/26 15:35 by sazli